The Perthshire Tory Committee is short of cash, and cannot pay the bills contracted in the election of Lord Stormont. The Earl of Mansfield will not give a penny ; and the Committee have issued circu- lar letters to the Tory Lairds begging for subscriptions. The deficiency is only 1,500/. Lord Stormont was to have dined with his constituents in September; the dinner was postponod till October ; it has not yet taken place ; and until the bills are paid, we presume, Lord Stormont will deem it quite as agreeable to shun as to seek a meeting with the electors. The signatures to the mendicant epistle are those of John S. Richardson, Robert Smythe, and P. Murray Threipland : why do not these gentlemen put down 5001. each, and settle the affair creditably ? The Reformers of Leith held a public meeting on Thursday week, to petition for the ballot. The Honourable James Erskine Murray addressed the assembly, and exhilsited a model of Mr. Grote's Ballot. box. Mr. Murray has caused a number of these boxes to be made, and is distributing them in Scotland. Preliminary steps have been taken for a great Ballot meeting in Edinburgh. 'Mint are they doing in Glasgow and Aberdeen ?