Wast-orrzer, Nov. 17.-011 Light Drogoons-Curnet F. J. isache to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Porter, alio retires; .1. Sutherland, t to be Cornet, by pnrchase, vice !cache. 25th root -Lieut. C. It. Knight, to be Capt. by purchase. viceGtvve, who retires; Ensign W. C. E. Napier to lie Lieut. by parchage, vice K night ; Gent. Cadet N. II. Harem. from the Itoyal Military College, to be Ensign, by purchase, %ice Na. pier. 37th Foot—Lieut. .1. It. S. Wilson to bo Capt. by purchase, vice Willis. alto re- tires; Ensign W. G. Griflith to he Limit. by purchase, vice Wikon ; W. M. Cmil born, Gent. to he Ensign, by mirchase, vice Griffith. 38tit Foot—Licut. F. Tudor to be Ailjt. vice Green, promoted. 8111 Foot -Capt. II. Walpole to be Major, by purchase. vice Smith, is ho retires; [dent. It. S. Boland to Ise Capt. by purclirse, vice Walpole ; Ensign E. Croker to Ile I.ieut.lw purchase, vice Boland ; G. Finley, Gent, to be Ensie, by purchase, vice Croker. 42,1 loot—j. Hunter, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice H. IL Murray, who retires. 56th Foot—Gent. Cadet A. W. Bytes, from the Ruyal Military College, lobe Ensign, a ithout purchase. vice Lewis decen.sed. 57th Foot - Gent. Cadet 3. A Innut y, train the Royal Military College, to 'be Ensign, * idiom pur. chase, vice Morgan, deceased. 60th Pout —Lieut. J. St. John Munro to be Capt. by purchase. vice Haworth, who retires ; Second Lieut. C. W. Jebb to be First Lieut. by Purchase, vice Munro; J. B. Mautisell, Gent, to be Second Lieut. by purchase, vice lebb. 67th luoi—Eusigu J. E. M. Prover to te Liut. tiithout lzmI1sue. Nice Ha- mood, deceased ; Gent. Cadet T. P. Onslow, from the Royal Military College, to be Ensign. vice Prower. 70th Foot—Ensign H. C. Whalley to be Lieut. without purchase, vice H. Gerard, deceased ; Gent. Cadet J. Hackett, from the Royal Military College. to be Ensign, vice Whalley. 73d Foot—Lieut. B. Brown to be Adjt. vice Russell, pro- moted; Lieut. J. S. Gteene, from half-pay of the 221 Light Drags. to be Lieut. view Brown, appointed Adjutant.