The East Luba Company have issued the following notice , by whiell it will he seen tbst they intend to reduce their present Bowl Debt, by paying cti one half of it, in June next awl to reduce the rate of interest on the remainikr from
4 to :3 per cent.
" The Court of Dire, tors of the East India Company do hereby give notice,
" That the Comp:ail 's Bong lhao, now 1)nitir: interest at I he rate of 4 per cent.
per annum, be di•char.;...t.e1 the 30th June text ; from whhit day interest will
cease. That tle, holders ot II,41.15 upwiods, to uu extent not exceed- ing one half (1,-,CO3,l,./Ifl.) of Lim 1, //On Ilebt, may exchange the hood,, for New Bowls, to Le ir interest at the rote a 3 per cent. per annum from 3011, June next ; up to which period, the pl.( sent interes.t .if 4 jar cent. per muon, still In paid. 'pie interest upon such New Bonds not loin. reouced or the ptilicipal discharged or demanded excel) after a nutiee of Wave ruottdis. 1101.:V{Si tt110 may desire to take advantage of this arrangement, must leave their Bo'el• at the Accounts branch of the Secretary's Office of this House, on or be!ine the 1st January next ; the Bonds ti ir? ci viSed. in 'Ms aCCOI din:4 to their letters and DIM- Lem, and tia signatute and plitee of residence of the ttearer to be added to the several lhts. IHC the amount tendered by four o'clock tat the lot ul January next, shall exceed 1,7610001., then such proportion only oilhe ;mount tendered as the said sum of 1.760.9601. may heat to the. whole stint offered silt be exchanged. The Bonds left will be returned to the patties on Rini after the 8th January ; awl such of them is are to be exchanged will he ntarked, and still accordingly be exelian ger] on anti after the 30th June next for New Bond', according to the terms of this advertisement, The amount in excess of tasossee. still be absolutely discharged on the said 30th t June next.
East hello House, 14th Nov. 1837."
The immediate effect of this notice has been to increase the value of Stock, and to cause a decline in the premium upou India Bonds : these Securities, which on Tuesday were at 55 prem., having since been done at :IL Ex- chequer Bills have also declined, though not in SO great a degree ; as it is sup. posed that ere long a notice of similar nature will be issued by the Govern- ment, and the rate of interest upon these Securities be also reduced. Consols have risen about per cent ; and all descriptions of English Stock are higher. We have to notice two bargains during the week in a stock that is very rarely cement—viz. South Sea Stock, which has been quoted at 104,1 and 104. In the Foreign Market, the uncertainty that has KO long existed about the payment of the Portuguese Dividends has been set at rest, by the publication of a notice from the Ambassador, stating the inability of the Government to satisfy its creditors; arid containing the offer of u debenture payable with inte- rest in twelve months, in payment of the Dividend now hecounue, due. The capitalists who advanced money for the payment of the last Dividend, are now beginning to look ishout them ; and souse of the stock deposited with them as
Some extensive sales of Consols for the January Account were effected tit morning ; and these operations, combined with the fall which occurred in prices of the French Funds on Thursday, have produced a decline of more than s per cent. ; Consols for this Account having been at 932, and for January at 933. The market has, however, since improved ; and the price is nay 93ts a for this Account, and 931 ; for January. The Foreign Stocks are generally lower ; all the: Continental Bonds having been depressed in the same degree as Consols. Spanish Stock may also be quoted lower ; as may the South American Bonds. The business of the morning has, however, beta chiefly confined to Consols. The Railway Shares are generally in demand at higher prices.
Consols have continued steady during the afternoon, and close as at twelve o'clock, viz. 93i a for this Account, and 931. ; for the Opening. lathe Foreign Market, Brazilian Stock is heavy, and closes at Sit? 81i. Portuguese Stocks ere also quoted lower than in the morning, but the business transacted has not beea important. Spanish Stock continues the same ; also the South American Bonds, which may be quoted as under—Buenos Ayres 20 22; Columbian 21i 25i ; Mexican Six per Cents. 21 28; Peruvian 2021.
3 per Cent, Consols 934 1 Brazilian i per Cents 824
Ditto for Account 964 5 Danish 724 3 s per Cent. Reduced 924 5 Dutch 24 per Cents 631 41 New 34 per Cent. Anus 101i Portuguese Regency 5 p.Cts. 321 t hank Stock 2125 Ditto 5 per Cent. 224
India Snug( 2681 9 Russian (1822 ) 5 per Cent... 110111
Ditto Bonds 32 36 Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent... 204 I Exchequer Bills 45 46 Deterred Stock 44 4 Belgian 5 per Cents. ..ex di,. 102 Passive Ditto 6i i security for their advances on that occasion has found its way into the market. It is part of an issue of Five per Cent. Stock, upon the security of the tobacco contract ; and money was raised by the financial agents of Portugal, by way of loan upon it, at the rate of 25 per cent. Seine of the lenders have, howiver taken alarm, and about 20,0001. of it was on Wednesday sold at 2Si. 114 failure of the Dividend has not produced any disastrous effect upon the price of the Stock ; the speculators having discounted thelevent. The price of both the Regency Five per Cents. and Three per Cents, is to-day higher than it was previous to the publication of the advertisement.
Spanish Stock has improved about per cent ; and the market presents & more healthy appearance than it has for some time exhibited. The other European Stocks are in demand in cousequence of the rind Consols.
The South American Securities are also firmer than last week.
The Railway Shares are quoted at advanced prices ; and there appears some slight symptom of reviving activity in this now almost forgotten species at speculation.