The St. James's has been unsuccessful in its novelties this
season ; but the revivals of The Cabinet and The Miller's Maid show the strength of the company. BRAIIAH every now and then bursts forth with a blaze of splendour recalling the glories of former days ; and Miss RAINFORTH'S excellent singing is aided by the naivete and general feeling that makes her acting so delightful. Then there is Mrs. STIRLING— the most joyous and animated of actresses, whose fine spirits shine forth through her laughing eyes. We do not think the serious mood becomes her so well ; but she played Phobe, the miller's maid, very na- turally. H. HALL, from the Strand Theatre, as Gibs, displayed feel- ing and energy. J. WEBSTER is a great acquisition to the com- pany. HARLEY is always amusing : his cheerfulness and sprightly humours are infectious', the very sight of his face and the sound of his voice put people iu a good temper.