18 NOVEMBER 1854, Page 2

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Tan Queen held a Council on Tuesday, at Windsor Castle ; when Par- liament was ordered to be further prorogued from the 16th instant to the 14th December. Sir Benjamin Hall was sworn in of the Privy Council, and took his place at the Board.

The Spanish Minister, the Honourable Charles Murray, Minister to the Shah of Persia, Lord John Russell, the Earl of Clarendon, the Duke of Newcastle, and Mr. Gordon, had audiences of the Queen. Her Ma- jestylmighteh Dr. John Logan, one of the:shit° of the Meharniel, neleen Singh.

The guests at the Castle have included the Duke of Newcastle, Sir William Molesworth, Sir Hew Roes, Sir John Logan, Sir Hamilton and Lady Seymour, Sir James Graham, the Maharajah Duleep Singh, the Duke and Duchess of Bedford, Lord and Lady Canning, and Lord Hardinge.