The Dublin police have arrested Stephens, supposed to be the
Head Centre—how deliciously Irish the very title is—of the Fenian movement. He was found in a large house about two miles from Dublin, living in good style, with quantities of provi- sions and some arms in the house. He made no resistance, and when brought before the court behaved exactly as his former employer, Smith O'Brien, whose secretary he was, would have done. He refused to acknowledge the competence of British law, and concluded a short burst of grandiloquence by—" I have spoken." The two detectives who arrested him have since been shot in the streets, presumably by some of his followers, but are not mortally wounded. It is said that the American Head Centre has appointed another leader for Ireland, which we trust is true, as a rebellion with an organization is far more manageable than a rebellion without one. There is no vital part in a polypus, as there is in the lowest mammal.