18 NOVEMBER 1876, Page 18


rro ma Ennon OF THE uSencrITon.1 SIR,—In your paper of November 11, Serjeant Cox remarks that "it is a striking fact that there is no instance of any person who has investigated them [i.e., the alleged phenomena] coming to any other conclusion than that they are real."

. I beg to inform that gentleman that I have for more than twenty years, both in the United States and in England, and in the presence of well-known mediums as well as private circles, diligently investigated the subject, and I have never seen any phenomena at all worthy of notice, except such as indicate the audacity of some persons and the weakness of others.—I am, Sir, MONCURE D. CONWAY. Hamlet House, Hammersmith, .:Vorember 15.