The four millions of Armenians oppressed by the Turks in
Asia intend, it would seem, to appeal to the Great Powers against the oppressions to which they are subjected. Their peasants are whipped at the stake, their women and children are carried off, and when they complain, their journalists are told by the Grand Vizier himself that they are revolutionists, and are ordered into confinement, beaten by the police, or sent back to Armenia to answer their complaints to the authorities whose misdeeds they have
exposed. There will be no redress from the Great Powers unless the Armenians, like the Slays and Greeks, do something for them- selves. They hold the gates of Asiatic Turkey, they have Russia behind them, they have wealth in every country in the world, and their clear duty is to aid their co-religionists in shaking off the authority of the caste against which they com- plain to Europe. One battle won, however insignificant, would be worth an acre of memorials.