The Bookman's Directory of Booksellers, Publishers, and Authors. (Hodder and
Stoughton.)—The booksellers occupy about fifty pages. lin London these number, including the " second-hand " trade, between 500 and 600. The provincial booksellers may be reekoned at something about 2,000. In Scotland there are about 320; in Ireland 125, more than one-third being in Dublin. There is no one, it would appear, who finds it worth while to sell books in Tipperary, Old or New. The publishers number about 180, and the authors between 500 and 600. But then there are a great many omissions. We give a few instances, taken from a hasty inspection of the writer's library shelves,—Messrs. Walter Leaf, Arthur Sidgwick, It. G. Moulton, Rutherford, J. B. Mayor, Verrall, Nixon, Jebb, Myers, Miss Agnes Clarke (in the depart- ment of classical scholarship there is great weakness, it will be seen), Messrs. Abbey, Overton, Hubert Hall, Archdeacon Wilson. This part of the book has but little value. Its strong point is the catalogue raisonnd of publishers.