The Doctrine of Sacrifice Deduced from the Scriptures. By the
Rev. Frederic Denison Maurice. (Macmillan.)—Mr. Maurice preached the sermons which were published under this title not quite forty years ago (February 26th—August, 1854). These years, it may be safely declared, have changed the views of the Churches on this subject much more in the direction of Mr. Maurice'e teaching than of Dr. Candlish's. It was an attack by Dr. Candlish on Mr. Maurice, addressed to the Young Men's Christian Association, that called forth the answer.
In "Gale and Polden's Military Series" (Gale and Polden, London and Aldershot) we have Company Drill Made Easy, by William Gordon, and Battalion Drill Made Easy, by the same author, both in a "ninth edition."