A sudden visit paid by the Austrian Chancellor, Count Kalnoky,
to Italy, appears to have excited great interest upon the Continent. He visited the King at Monza, remaining in conversation with him for an hour-and-a-half ; and has since had several interviews with Italian Ministers, especially Signor Brio, the Minister for Foreign Affairs. No attempt is made to deny that the journey has a political object, and it is generally supposed that it.has reference to the new situation created in the Mediterranean by the Russian and French alliance. Italy is in no position to increase her Army ; but it is believed that if her Army were reduced, her Fleet might, in the event of war, render most important service. This statement tallies well with the renewed reports that Russia seeks a naval station in the Mediterranean, probably Paros, a report which concerns Austria almost as much as Italy and Turkey. As yet, there is no definiteness in the accounts, but it, seems evident that there is commotion in the Mediterranean, and that the half- exhausted Powers are required to strengthen themselves at sea.