A demonstration was held in Trafalgar Square on Saturday by
a body of Anarchists to commemorate the deaths of "the Chicago Martyrs," and some violent speeches are said to have been made. A Mr. Murdoch declared the Barcelona outrage a horrible affair; but attributed it to poverty, and expected something of the kind here also before long. The meeting was not important ; but on Tuesday Mr. Darling moved, and carried, the adjournment of the House to discuss Mr. Asquith's conduct in permitting it. Mr. Asquith was inclined to pooh- pooh the whole matter as insignificant ; but Mr. Balfour rose, and fairly crushed his opponent with argument. He agreed that discussion should be free on most subjects, but denied that throwing bomb-shells was among them. The rule in Trafalgar Square is to permit all legitimate meetings ; but is a meeting to sympathise with American dynanaiters legiti- mate P Is the question whether bombs shall be used or not, to be an open one in civilised society To permit such dis- cussions under Government sanction is to encourage the diffusion of such opinions and to endanger the very founda- tions of social order. Mr. John Burns made a furious reply, declaring Mr.Balfour's speech an attack on freedom, ascribing the Chicago murders to police oppression, and alleging that the Anarchists and Nihilists were no worse than British troops when tlitey shot savages. We have said enough of the matter elsewhere, but clearly Mr. Asquith had forgotten the distinction between a street meeting and a meeting formally allowed by order of the Home Secretary.