We are assured that Mr. Woodall, M.P. for Hanley, who
presided at the Conference of the Society for the Liberation of Religion from State Patronage and Control, held at the National Liberal Club on Tuesday week, made no attack on the clergy for using their pulpits in defence of the Establisli- ment. We copied the statement literally from one of the evening papers of last Wednesday, and could verify the cor- rectness of our quotation, if it were worth while, which it hardly is. For our own parts, as our readers know, we do not ourselves approve of the use of the pulpit for such political discussion, though we think that any clergyman or Dissenting minister who unfortunately sees a serious moral question either in the attack or the defence, would be justified in pressing his views on his people. We had, therefore, no intention of blaming Mr. Woodall for the censure which we erroneously imagined him to have uttered.