18 NOVEMBER 1893, Page 36

Oar County. By W. Ryland D. Adkins. (Elliot Stook.)— "

Our County" is, we find, Northamptonshire. Why so vague a title ? Mr. Adkins has a lively and sometimes a caustic pen.. It is possible that some of the magnates whom he describes may con- sider him to have used a little too much freedom. On the other hand, he furnishes decidedly good reading to the outside public, who, without feeling any special interest in these county worthies, will be able to read about them without ennui. The sketches are forty in number. The only one of this number that is of Cabinet rank is Lord Spencer. Sir Henry Dryden, the Bishop of Peter- borough, Lord Knightley (better known as Sir Rainald), Lord Exeter, the Duke of Grafton, Lord Henley, Mr. Albert Pell, Lord Northampton, Mr. C. H. Spencer (commonly known as " Bobby " Spencer), form a second class who are presumably known beyond county limits. The thirty who remain may be quite their equals in virtue, ability, and usefulness, but they are of "our county" only, Mr. Adkins's pen is ably assisted by the pencil of Mr. W. B. Shoesmith. Some of his portraits are excellent.