The massacres of the Jews in Russia have deeply stirred
the country, and at a meeting of the English Zionist Federation at the Memorial Hall on Monday letters and telegrams of sympathy from politicians of all shades and the heads of all the Churches were read,—a proof, if any were required, that the British are free from the taint of Anti-Semitism. Mr. Balfour telegraphed to say that the Government had already taken every step which seemed possible to mitigate the calamity, a statement which was endorsed by Lord Rothschild. While the speakers at this meeting expressed their conviction that the solution of the Jewish problem could only be found in Zionism, they were careful not to level any wholesale charge against the Russian nation. "It was," observed Dr. Gaster, "the bureaucracy who had instigated the dregs of the population to outrage in a spirit of revenge, and to intimidate the forces of progress and liberty."