18 NOVEMBER 1922, Page 14


[To the Editor of the SPECTATikI.] SM,—Will you allow me to appeal through your columns for support for the oldest orphanage for boys and girls in the United Kingdom, the Orphan Working School and Alexandra Orphanage ? This institution was founded in 1758. Some 7,000 children have passed through its care. To-day it gives to over 300 fatherless boys and girls a home-training and an education whose efficiency in fitting them for the business of life is in no way impaired by the fact that the institution is 164 years old.

The necessary annual income of £20,000 has to be obtained from voluntary contributions ; and unfortunately the difficult years since 1914 have left the finances of the orphanage in a critical condition. H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, who is President, and who succeeded his father, the King, in that office, has kindly promised to take the chair at the 164th annual festival, to be held at the Mansion House, by invitation of the Lord Mayor, on December 5th. As treasurer, I shall be most grateful for contributions, whether large or small, for inclusion in the Prince's list on that occasion.—I am, Sir, Temple House, Temple AUenue, E.C.4.