I have duly concentrated my mind on the Morn- ing
Post's appeal for clear thinking (how ineurably muddled people who differ from us always are) addressed to "the Forgotten Legions," which might mean either the descendants of Varus or the Lost Tribes. Clear thinking rests on twenty-five axioms, which is more than half aS Many again as sufficed for President Wilson, and includes affirmations so axiomatic as that "men are born unequal and remain unequal." The framers of the Declaration of Independence, if I remember, found it axiomatic—a self- evident truth, to be precise—that "all men are created equal,' which shows how valuable these aids to clear thinking may be. What the Morning Post is driving at is not as clear as the thinking it advocates. The attempts of newspapers to organize parties have no very happy record in this country, and the Morning Post's appeal has always been to the elect. Its twenty-five axioms are, to speak plainly, a rather priggish plea for privilege, following, it is true, the lines of its very able leading articles—but leading articles do not readily lend themselves to metamorphosis into detailed creeds.