The first two days of this week were occupied with
the Labour amendment, regretting the absence from the Gracious Speech of any reference to the serious problem of unem- ployment, and emphasising the need for an equitable distri- bution of wealth to ensure the maintenance and improvement of the standard of life. Mr. Pethick-Lawrence did not fail to remind the Minister of Health of his recent indis- cretion at Dartford, but stumbled over a quotation from " The New Decalogue," and was helped out by the object of his attack. Mr. Elliot made a vigorous reply, and certainly gave as good as he got. There would be no more convincing debater on the Treasury Bench if only he were not so apt to be drawn away by casual interruptions from the main theme of his argument. Later in Monday's debate there were two admirable speeches by Miss Megan Lloyd George and Mr. Cartland.. Finally, Mr. Ernest Brown, who was in his most rollicking form, made the welcome announcement that the Government proposed to renew the Special Areas Acts, which otherwise would have expired next month. The House was glad to hear that it was also proposed to make loan facilities more readily available in those other distressed areas which arc not included in the statutory srhedule.
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