Fragile, Sonorous, Evocative
SIR,—I have taken a keen interest in pictures for a good many years 4nd may claim to be fairly well informed about painting, but I must confess that I am not much the wiser after reading this kind of stuff in a.retent issue of the Spectator:
" The tonality is exactly calculated, nevertheless, and is an integral part of her sometimes fragile and sometimes sonorous but always affecting and evocative colour."
A dictionary definition of " fragile " is " easily broken, weak, of delicate frame and constitution," of " sonorous," " having a resonant or rich and powerful sound." I should like to recommend for the comparatively young, but overworked, " evocative " a long holiday in company with its more bourgeois friend " colourful."—Yours faithfully, RALPH LE FLEMING. 37 South Street, Durham.