This Malefactor
This malefactor dies how many times a day. With warders in fair play With dominoes or rummy, draughts or whist.
Let's hope they give the rope the proper twist!
The brute who killed for passion, or for greed, Now waits a colder deed, Precisely done by one who is expert.
For Christ's sake is it easy, will it hurt ?
This malefactor dies how many times a night. Within a warder's sight.
And cons the details as he dreams and wakes.
What happens if this bloody rope-length breaks ?
This brute, who killed but once, dies now again, And often, without pain, Until his neck is broken, dead on time.
Is it a fact they chuck you in quick-lime ?
God give you Sunday patience till you die Beneath a Tuesday sky I May God have special mercy to endow God, in your mercy, can't you make it now ?