There has been a considerable arrival of Wheat and Flour coastways since Mon- day, and the mealing trade is in consequence exceedingly dull, and from 4s. to Sc. per quarter lower. Beans and Peas nearly support Monday's quotation, and Malting Barley is taken oil on much the same terms. We are abundantly supplied with Outs at present, and the trade is very dull, at a decline of from Is. to Ps. per quarter. In other articles there is no material variation to notice ; but we must remark gene- rally, that the sales are very heavy, and but little business doing.
Return Price of Grain on board ship, asunder :—
5. S. S. S. S. S.
Wheat,EssexRed,54 to 62 Fine 18 to 43 Ticks, old, . 40 to 48 Fine, .......... 60 —70 55 —66 Ticks, new, 36-40 White, new 60 — 66 Fine„......... 68 — 72 Oats, Feed, 21 — 24 Fine, .......... 70 — 74 Peas, Hog, ...... 36 — 40 Fine, 26 — 27 Superfine, 76 — 78 Maple, .. 38 — 41 Polands, ..... 21 — 26 Old, 80 — 93 Peas, White, .... 40 — 44 Fine,.......... 27 — 29
Rye,... 35 — 40 Boilers, ..... 46 — 48 P&,tato.........30-32
Barley, 32 — 38 Beaus, small, .... 40 —43 Fine, 33 — 53 GENERAL AVERAGE PRICE of BRITISH CORN, For the Week ending Ocr. 10, 1828, made cup from the Beturns of the Inspectors in the Maritime Cities and Towns in England and Wales.
Wheat, 69s. 8d. I Oats ..... 25s. 5d. Beaus, ...... n6s. I d. Barley, ..... 35 6 I Rye, .. 33 1 I Peas, ...... .41 3 AGGREGATE AVERAGE OF THE LAST SIN WEEKS.
Wheat, 62s. 5d. I Oats, ..... 235. 7d. Beans, . SGs. 9d.
Barley, .. . 53 0 I Rye 31 5 I Peas, ......... . 41 0
Wheat .. 24s. 8d. I Oats 12s. 3d. I Beans 155. 6d.
Barley ...... 12 4 I Rye ..... 22s. I Peas ....... . 8 0
Sold in this Market during the week ending Tuesday, Oct. 7th, from the Returus to the Inspector by the Corn Factors.—Imperial Measure.
Quaffs. ..-Irer. (Mars. Aver. Quers. Aver. Wheat .. 7971 .. 73s. 5d. I Oats ... 30377 .. 26s. 9d. I Beans.... 2322 .. 34s. Od.
Barley .. 4219 .. 37 2 I Rye .... 191 .. 34 7 I Peas .... 1334 .. 41 8 GRAIN arrived from Ocr. 6, to Ocr.11, both inclusive. English—Wheat 7694 qrs. English—Rape,. . — qrs. Foreign—Beans, Barley, . 2639 Brunk, — Peas, Malt, ... ..... 3095 Mustard,...... 53 Rape, Oats, ....... 8075 Seeds, 130 - Tares, .. . ...
Rye,.......... 54 Flour, ...... 8189 sks. Hemp, .. ..... Beans, .. ...... 1532 Foreign—Wheat 7447 qrs. Irish—Wheat, ..
Peas, .... ... 1094 Barley, — Oats, .
Tares, ........ 278 Oats, .... 1684 Flour, 1 PRICES OF FLOUR.
Town made per sack.. ..... 75s. to 80s. I Essex and Sufi" on hoard ship 65s. to 70s. Seconds.. . ....... . 70 — 75 I Norfolk and Stockton 50 65 BRAN, per guar. 7s. Oil, to Ss. Od.—POLLARD, fine, per quar. I8s. to 20s.
The highest price of Bread in the Metropolis is 13d. for the 41b. Loaf. There are others who sell from a halfpenny to three halfpence below that rate.
The average price of brown or Muscovado Sugar, computed from the returns made in the week ending October 14, is 31s. 33d. per cwt., exclusive of the Dirties of Cus- toms paid or payable thereon on the importation thereof into Great Britain.
Good Store Candles .... 7s. Od. per doz.—Moulds ...... ... Ss. 6d. per doz.
SMITHFIELD, Fa DAY, OcronuEne 17.
To-day's market looks very heavy for all descriptions of Meat, the large stock upon hand in the Dead Markets effecting sales here. Beef is very plentiful, but of inferior quality, and in consequence we cannot quote the top pricebeyond 4s. Mut- ton scarcely nmintains Monday's prices; and Lamb, being nearly out of season, is little inquired for. Veal has declined full 4d. per stone upon the best. 'We have no alteration to notice in l'ork on Monday's prices.
To sink the offid—per stone of SR's. Beef . 3s. 2d. to 3s.10d. to 4s. Od. I Veal .. 3s. O. to 4s. Od. to 4s. 83. Mutton.— 3s. 8d. Cods. Od. to 4s. 4d. Pork ...... 4s. Ott. to 5s. Od. to 5s. 8d.
Lamb, 4s. Od. to 4s. 48. to 5s. Od.
Head of Cattle this day I Beasts, 670 I Sheep, 6,250 Calves, 210 I Pigs 0.10 Head of Cattle on Monday. I Beasts, 2816 I Sheep, 20,9 60 I Calves, 153 I Pigs, IGO NEWGATE and LEADENHA LL—By the Carcase.
fcf, 2s. 8d. to 3s. 8:1. I Veal,...... . 3s. 8d. to 4s. 8d. Mutton,— 3s. Od. to 4s. Od. I Pork,.... . .4s. 00. to Sc. 4d. Lamb, 3s. 4d. to 4s. 8d.
Kent Pockets ..... 41. 4s. to 41. 18s. to 61. 12s. per cwt..
Sussex Pockets . :31. I t,1s. to 41. 4s. to 41. Ss.
Essex Pockets . 41. 10s. to 51. 5s. to W. Oz.. Farnham, tine 81. Os. to 91. Os.—Seconds.. ..... 61. Os. to 71. 195.
Kent Bags . 31. 16s. to 41. 10s. to 31. lOs. per cwt. Sussex Bags 31.10 s. to 31. Ms. to 41. Os. Essex Bags . . 21. 45. to 41. 16s. to 51. 5s. Old Duty laid at 17it,0001.
S am inn FIE t.n.—Hay, Sims. to 875. Cd.—Inferior and new, 50s. to 75s.—Clover, 95s. W. to io5s.—Inferior and new, 711s. to 90s.—Straw, 30s. to 36s.
WII TECHAPE L.—Clover, 805. to 115s.—Hay, 50s. to 95s.—Straw, 32s. to 313s.
ST. JAMES'S.—Superior and prime Upland Meadow Hay, from 750. to 95s.—In- ferior ditto and coarse Lowland Hay, 35.s. to 60s. ; new 65s. to 70s.—Clover, 75s. to 120s.; new, —s. to —s.—Wheat Straw, 38s. to 42s.—Oat, 34s. to 38s.--. Barley,—s. to —s.—Rye, —s. to —s.; per load of 36 trusses.—Supply moderately good and trade rather dull.
Skips at Market. Ships sold. Prices. 127i Newcastle.... . ....... 54 .... ....... 290. 6d. to .38s. 6d.
42s. Od. Yellow Soap, per 1121b ...... 74s. Od.
40 6 Mottled . . 80 0 41 0 Curd . 84 0 . 38 6 Graves .. 20 0 35 0 Good Dregs PRICE OF 'I ToWn Tallow, per 1121b Yellow Russia White .
Soap ditto ....
Melting Stuff .....
Ditto Rough ...... .......... — — — qrs. 256 360 20 59 252 qrs. 4245 481 sks.