J. and G. Morse, Norwich, eommon-brewers—W. and W. Creed, Abchurch-lane, Lombard-street, tailors—C. Summers and G. Harcourt, Chertsey, Surrey, surgeons —R. Small and J. MacGregor, Liverpool—G. Merricks and J. Tilly, Lewes, Sussex, tallow-chandlers—W. Ashton, S. Forster, and .1. Ellison, St. Helen's, Lancashire, brewers ; as far as regards J. Ellison—IV. Spencer and E. Everton, Coventry and Foleshill, ribund-manuracturers—J. Hunt and E. Higginson, Liverpool, sail-makers —P. D. Petit and W. Richards, Birmingham brass-founders—H. Hole and H. A. Hope, London and Canterbury, hoymen—W. R. Briggs and E. Lucas, Liverpool, brokers—S. Fletcher and J. It. Bridgford, Manchester, accountants—J. Barnes, J. Cobden, and H. Barnes, Davingtou-mill, Kent, and Savoy-street, Strand, cement- manufacturers—G. Simpson and T. Hig,ginhottom, Sheffield, fork-makers—R. Web- ster and G. Marshall, Barnsley, Yorkshire, linen-manufacturers—D. Russell, W. Thompson, and J. Russell, York, attorneys—J. Harrington, '1'. H. Hideout, and W. III. Millington Manchester, silk-mercers—W. Stringer and W. H. Barns, Cecil- street, Strand:tailors—J. Winder and R. Walker, Esclusham, Denbighshire,-paper- manufacturers—R. Child and J. Spurling—J. C. Bishop and W.-Gibbs, Water-lane, Tower-street, wine.merchants—R. Graham and J. Nicholls, High-street, Wapping, ship-chandlers—A. Clark and D. Thick, Silver-street, Golden-square, carpenters— G. Drinkwater and J. Brownell, Stockport, linen-drapers.
William Row, jun. Knott's-green, Essex, skin-broker, to surrender Oct. 21, 23, Nov. 25, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street ; solicitor, Sir. Bourdillon, Bread-street, Clreapside. Robert Crowther and Thomas Fawcett, High-street, Southwark, woollen-drapers, Oct. 24, Nov. 7, 25, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Tan- ner, New Basinghall-street.
Samuel South, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, brick-maker, Nov. 3, 4, 25, at the Pea- cock Inn, Boston : solicitors, Messrs. Jenkins and Abbott, New-inn.
William Hurst White, Leomioster, brazier, Oct. 18, 20, Nov. 25, at the Red Lion Inn, Leominster: solicitor, Mr. Fitch, Union-street, Southwark.
Joseph Robinson, Stanhope, Durham, shopkerper, Nov. 3, 6, 25, at White's Hotel, Manchester: solicitors, Messrs. Ellis, Walmsley, and Gorton, Chancery-lane. Edward Burrell Ind, Cambridge, linen-draper, Oct. 24, 5, Nov. "z5, at the Eagle Inn, Cambridge : solicitors Messrs. Lythgoe and Chapman, Essex-street, Strand. George Allen, jun. Manchester, calenderer, Nov. 4, 25, at the King's Arms Inn, Manchester: solicitors, Messrs. Ellis, Walmsley, and Go, toil, Chancery-lane. Daniel Scott, Halifax, Yorkshire, innkeeper, Nov. 3, 4, 25, at the Magistrates'. office, Halifax: solicitor, Mr. Edwards, Basinghall-street.
Nov. 7, J. Dunkin, Redeross.street, wine-merchant—Nov. 7, J. Wilks, Finsbury- square, merchant—Nov. 4, A. Palmer, Mincing-lane, merchant—Nov. 4, F. Dow:r- ing, jun. Huddersfield, Yorkshire, wine-merchant—Nov. 5, E. Eyre, Sheffield, mer- chant—Nov. 7, It. A. Crickitt, Chelmsford, banker—Nov. 5, J. Barber, Liverpool, merchant—Nov. 10, J. Beadey and S. Cole, Walton-under-edge, Gloucestershire, clothiers—Nov. 4, J. Hunt, Brighthelmstone, trunkmaker—Nov. 4, A. W. Burn, Three Tuns. court, Miles's-lane, Cannon-street, wine-merchant—Nov. 7,3. Whitaker, St. Paul's Churchyard, dealer in music—Nov. 5, T. Whitelegg, Ashton-upon-Mersey, Cheshire, rectifier—Nov. 4, T. Wardle, Lad-lane silk • manufacturer—Nov. 4, C.
13riant, Northtleet, Kent, jobber—Nov. 8, N. Bird, Shields, Northumberland, earthenware-manufacturer—Nov. 4, W. H. Strudwicke, Covent-garden-market, fruit- erer—Oct. 22, T. Winkless, Coventry, riband-manufacturer—Nov. 7, R.. Barber, Up- per Clapton, plumber—Nov. 4, J. Knight, Rupert-street, Haymarket, saddlers' iron- monger—Nov. 7, W. Benton, Vange. Essex, whartinger—Nov. 7, G. Mogridge, Bir- mingham, japanner—Nov. 8, R. Dickenson, Hexham, Northumberland, stationer— Nov. 1, J. Bevan and J. Rigby, St. Helens, Lancashire, soap-boilers—Nov. 8, S. Shaw, jun. and T. Bateman, Manchester, smallware-manuracturers—Nov. 5, J., L., and J. Moorhouse, Hebden-bridge, Yorkshire, and Manchester, cotton-spinners- Nov. 5 J. Spencer, Belper, Derbyshire, nail-maker—Nov. 7, J. Wright, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, woollen-manufacturer—Nov. 3, H. Melen, Pershore, Worcestershire, grocer.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Arm 4.
C. 111`Callum, ALbury-mills, Surrey, paper-manufacturer—P. B. Edwards, Tanyralt„ Carnarvonshire, merchant—C. Stretton and W. Bonfield, Great St. Helens, wine- merchants—H. S. Leach, Wimbledon, baker—A. Anderson, jun. East-street, Wail- worth, baker.
Friday, Oct. 17.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. • Lythgoe and T. Roberts, Liverpool, coopers—T. Goodall and W. Barron, St.. Martin's-laue, builders—J. Trapp and B. Trapp, Bedford, drapers—W. Coulby and C. Baldwin, Nottingham, brass-fmenders—J. Miller and It. Miller, Ipswich, tea- dealers—W. Hilton and W. Chambers, Newark-upon-Trent, Nottinghamshire, mercers—G. Deane, son. and G. Deane, jun., Fish-street-hill, hardwaremen—W. Downes and T. T. L. Holland, Cannock, Staffordshire, surgeons—T. Phillips and R. Phillips, Broadwindsor, Dorsetshire, drapers—J. Bennett, Dartmouth, ship-owner, and T. Hawkins, Dittishatn, Devonshire. mariner—M. Byrne and Si. Lindley, Notti ngham, milli ners—H.Bonifant and G. Dexter, Newark-upon-Trent, Nottingham- shire, mercers—W. Copp, G. P. Tory, and R. Bryant, Tiverton, Devonshire, linen- drapers—D. Horton and W. Laird, Birkenhead, Cheshire, boiler-makers—G. Bingham and J. Turtle, Clay-Cross, Derbyshire, brush and bobbin-turners—J. W. Sylvester, and A. H. Silvester, Chowhent, Lancashire, cotton-spinners—R. Williams, R. Pattison, and M. Yeatman, Dorchester Bank, Dorchester, bankers—F. /3intrum, Burgh, and T. Lucock, Ipswich, millers—C. G. Carroll and .1. F. bug, London and Scotland, commercial agents—P. Novelli, Manchester, and J. G. Bochner, Egerton, Bolton-le-moors.
rxs °Li/Eters.
Oct. 15—Martha Welcher, Lower Grosvenor-place, Hanover-square, lodging- housekeeper.
Oct. 16—John Rodney Ward, Bermondsey-street, Bermondsey, chemist.
BANE:SU William Bradley, Legburn, Lincolnshire, silk-mercer, to surrender Oct. 24, 31, Nov. 28, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitors, Messrs. Stokes and olli rig,sworth, Cateaton-street.
James Kendall, Stratford, Essex, eowkeeper, Oct. 24, 31, Nov. 28, at the Bank- rupts' Court, Basingliall-strect : solicitor, Mr. Hodgson' Broad-street-buildings; James Horw m ood and William Oliver, Maddox-street, Hanover-square, house-de- corators Oct. 24, 31, Nov. 28, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Canon, High-street, Mary-le-bone.
George Barnby, Spalding, Lincolnshire, grocer, Oct. 24, 31, Nov. 28, at the Baud:- rupee' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitors, Messrs. J. and S. Pearce, Phillips, and Bolger, St. Swithin's-lane.
Henry Gilbert, Bishopsgate-street Within, grocer, Oct. 28, :31, Nov. 28, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Gates, Lombard-street. Edmund Rorke, Liverpool, merchant, Oct. 24, 31, Nov. 28, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basingball-street : solicitor, Sir. Partington, Change-alley, Cornhill. John Hall, Rupert-street, Goodman's-fields, victualler, Oct. , 31, Nov. 28, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street solicitors, Messrs. Noy and Pi ward, Ni- cholas-lane.
George Hughes, Ifpper-street, Islington, and Spring-street, Shadwell, wine-mer- chant, Oct. 31, Nov. 1-1, 25, at the Bankrupts' Court, Bashighall-strect : solicitors, Messrs. Lawless and Stubbs, Copthall-court, Throginorton-street. Reuben Itippon, Leeds, Yorkshire,, joiner, Nov. 8, 10, 25, at the Court-house, Leeds : solicitors, Messrs. Strangways and Walker, Barnard's-inn.
W. H. Woolltouse, Darnall, Yorkshire, cutler, Oct. 26, 29, Nov. 28, at the Angel inn, Sheffield : solicitor, illr. Hooker', Staple-inn.
T. Sanderson, Nottingham, lace-mai facturer, Oct. 25, 27, Nov. 23, at the Black Moor's Head-inn, Nottingham : solicitors, Messrs. Hurd and Johnson, Temple. J. Bailey, Bath, shoemaker, Nov. 17, IS, 28, at the White Lion-inn, Bath : solici- tor, Mr. Havertield, Hart-street, Bloomsbury.
W. Marsden, Clitheroc, Lancashire, common-earricr, Nov. 10, 11, 28, at the Golden Lion, Settle, Yorkshire : solicitors, Mr. Armstrong, Staple-inn ; Messrs. Hurd and Johnson, Temple.
Nov. 7, I. Ablett, Bucklersbury, fustian and velveteen manufacturer—Nov. 7, T Weston, Hirwain Wharf, Earl-street, Roman-cement-manufacturer—Dec. 9, W. Carpenter, .Leadenhall street, woollen-draper—Nov. 18, J. Adams, Union-street, Southwark, oilman—Nov. 7, J. Taylor, City of Norwich, cord.spinner—Nov. 10, G. Burdy, West Derby, LancaslUre, glass-manufacturer•—Nov.11, W. Hal-WIRD, Sheffield, builder—Nov. 7, G. Axe, Stamford, Lincolnshire, draper—Nov. 7, T. Holditch, Spalding, Lincolnshire, grocer and—Nov. 7,3. Gregory, Bright- helmstone, Sussex, lodging-house keeper—Nov. 17, G. H. Crowther, Frodsham, Cheshire, bookseller—Nov. 7, W. D. Goodeve, Wimborne Minster, Dorsetshire, com- mon-brewer—Nov. 7, ii. Hunter, Aldgate, colourman—Nov. 10, W. Cooke, Mickle- burst, calico-printer—Nov. 7, \V, Mill, Fore-street, woollen-draper—Nov. 21, J. Surd and J. Smither, St. blartia's-lane, woollen-drapers—Oct. 31, G. Burgiss, Eton, Buckinghamshire, currier.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Nov. 7. J. Stainton, Lincoln, bookseller—J. Wright, Charlotte-street, Percy-street, Bed- ford-square, cheesemonger—J. Day, late of the Quadrant, Regent-street, woollen- draper—T. Pearson and IV. Reeves, Savoy-street, Strand, wine merchants.