An English Translation of the Memoirs of the Empress Josephine. (Understood to be written by Madame Ducrest, the niece of Madame de Gen1M.) The Protestant, a Tale, By the authoress of De Foil &c.
The Life and Times of Daniel be Foe. By Walter Wilson.
The Literary Remains of the late Henry Neele, Esq. Author of the Romance of English History,' &c. Discourses on Christian Doctrine and Duty. By the Rev. Alexander Stewart.
A New Year's Eve ; and ether Poems. By Bernard Barton. The Annals of the Poor. By the Rev. Leigh Richmond. The Interpositions of Divine Providence, selected exolusively from the Holy Scriptures. By Joseph Pincher, Esq. Typical Instruction. By John Peers, A. H. Essay, on the Universal Analogy between the Natural and the Spiritual Worlds. By the author of Memoirs of a Deist.
Sermons, chiefly practical. By the Rev. Wm. Dealtry, B.D. F.R.S.
A Popular Treatise on Nervous Disorders, with a Missertation on the best Dietetic and Medicinal Reme- dies. By Thomas Richards, Surgeon.
Mr. 'I'. Roscoe is engaged in writing the Life of dkriosto, with Sketches of his most distinguished Lite- rary and Political Contemporaries. Dr. Lempriere is preparing for publication an Essay, in,answer to the Oldenburgh Questions, on the Nature and Contagion of the Yellow Fever ; in which a parti- cular reference has been made to the circumstances which have occasioned that disease, at different pe- riods, in the Garrison at Gibraltar. Garrick's Papers, Correspondence, &c., with mate- rials for a new Life, have been placed in the hands of an experienced literary character and dramatic ama- teur to be prepared for publication.
A new scientific Journal, in Numbers, every two months., entitled the Annals of Chemical Philosophy, and exhibiting a concise view of the latest and most important Discoveries in Chemistry, Pharmacy, the Arts, Sciences, Manufactures, Agriculture, &c. &c. By \V. Maugham, Surgeon, &c., is announced. Mr. Gleig, author of the 'Subaltern,' has a volume ,of Sermons in the press.
The Memoirs of the notorious Vidoeq, lately an Agent of the French Police, hut formerly a Convict, have just been published in Paris.
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Odes-von Cash, Corn, Catholics, &e. fen. bds. 0 7 6
Ryan's Manual of Midwifery, 12mo, bds. . 0 8 0 The Book of Health, Svo. cloth . . 0 5 0
'Christie on Cholera, Svo. lids. . . . 0 5 0
Whately on St. Paul, Svo. bds. . . 0 9 0 Davenport's Amateur's Perspective, 4to. bds. 0 18 0
Proctor's Sermons, 8vo. bds. . . . 0 10 0 Past Feelings Renovated, 12mo. bds . . 0 7 0 Mamoires sur l'Imperatrice Joseph:ne, Svo. at. 0 8 0