Tante is considerable variety in the foreign intelligence received during the week, but it is mostly of a mere gossiping description, consisting of rumours and political scandal.
It is asserted that the differences in the French Cabinet are daily becoming more serious, and that Marshal GERARD has ten- dered his resignation ; which, however, he withdrew, on the earnest request of Louis PHILIP. The topic of dispute is still the amnesty, which GERARD, DE RIGNY, GUIZOT, DUCH %TEL, and JACOB, the Minister of Marine, urge upon the King ; while PERSIL, TRIERS, and Louis Prime himself, are obstinate in op- posing it. The Government is apprehensive that Republican principles are spreading in the army. It is certain that considerable efforts are made to circulate Republican tracts and journals among the subalterns. At St. Denis, the National Guards had thrown down their arms, in consequence of a sentence of two months suspen- sion from the command of a battalion, passed on Count LEON, the illegitimate son of NAPOLEON. It is not doubted that they will be dissolved speedily.
The feasting at Fontainbleau terminated last week. The Queen of France, with her two daughters, departed for Brussels on Tuesday; and LOUIS PHILIP went to meet DO PIN and TALLEY.. RAND at Paris.