18 OCTOBER 1834, Page 6


Active preparations are making in Glasgow for the reception of Lord Durham on the 2,9th. A banquet-hall, capable of accommodating 1500 visitors, is in courae of erection in front of the Grammar School. Liberal subscriptions have been made towards defraying the expense of it. The sale of tickets commenced on Monday, and was very brisk. Meetings have been held in Edinburgh, by the Trades of Glasgow, and in many places in the West of Scotland, for the purpose of framing addresses to be presented to Lord Durham on the day of the dinner.

A Commission was last week sitting in Glasgow, under the authority of the Lord Chief Baron of England, for taking evidence in a suit, " Alexander Richmond v. William Tait, or Simpkin and Marshall," regarding the Spy System pursued in Glasgow during the dark days of Sidmouth and Castlereagh in 1816,1817, and 1820. Mr. Peter Macken- zie, the author of the Exposure If the Spy System, underwent, we are told, an examination of upwards of ter hours.—Glasgow Free Press.

The Western Bank of Scotland (one of the principal Glasgow Banks) was in some difficulty last week, owing to the refusal of Messrs. Jones, Lloyd, and Co. of London to accept sonic drafts, of which they had no advice. The matter, however, was soon arranged ; and there is no question as to the stability of the bank. The premises of Messrs. Small, Bruce, and Co., and of Messrs. Wood, organ-builders in Amphion Place, Edinburgh, were nmeh in- jured by a fire which broke out on Monday morning. Many valuable pianos and organs were consumed.

Mr. Cubitt's plan for completing a great port on the Eastern coast of Scotland, and for the Metropolis of Scotland and Leith, as to which there has lately been so much discussion, has been favourably enter- tertained by those immediately interested in this necessary work. The Town-Council of Leith, at a special meeting held on Saturday, mtani- mously approved of the whole report, as calculated to reconcile all in- terests; and appointed a Committee to impress on Government the necessity of proceeding with the immediate execution of the works. fa