The Courier of this evening bus some sensible observations on
the attack upon the Press contained in the last Number of the L'dininergh Review ; which, remembering the quarters in which the Courier is con- nected, are somewhat remarkable in tone and expression. It is always a bad, symptom of a public man when he begins to abuse the news- papers ; especially when, like Lord BROUGHAM, Ile has used the press to:forward his own views in every possible way,-by writing constantly himself in reviews and newspapers, and instructing and influencing others to do the same in his behalf. The Courier also deals pretty sharply with the Chronicle's apologetical commentary on the article in the Review ; and reminds our contemporary, that although he generally avoids abuse himself, he is not scrupulous as to admitting scurrility into his columns from correspondents. The recent letters signed Vrenex are tnentioncd as it proof of this.
" It is not long since," says the Courier of the Chronicle, "he was daily directing attention to a series of letters under the signature of Viudex,' that ap- peared in his columns. Whaterer may he the quarter front whence they came, we believe that most of those who read them agree in opinion that they are to- tally devoid of any thing like argument, and that few more contemptible effu- sions ever appeared in any journal. The love of slander and detraction in the writer was so very strong, that even the most unobtrusive females did not escape his malignant remarks ; while all sorts of offensive and unfounded calumnies were uttered against Sir James Graham and Mr. Stanley, merely because they happened to differ in opinion with this slipshod foul-mouthed libeller."
It will be recollected that the letters of VINDEX were universally attributed to the pen of Lord Brougham.