Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 10th Oct. 1833 and 10th Oct. 1834; showing the Increase or Decrease on each head thereof.
Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Post-office Miscellaneous Total Ordinary Revenue Imprest and other Monies, in eluding Repayments of Ad- vances for Public Works Total Income Years ended 1833. 10th Oct.
1834. Increase. Decrease.
13.240,007 14,542.957 6,499,529 4,986,180 1,400,000 64.816 16,225.261 13.946,348 6,601,881 4,726,195 1,362.1100 43 518 9g,254 102,335
• • 536,609 2:;<.■.935 38,000 19,298 42,733,489 294,903 42,907,206 434,634 139.731
43,028,392 43,341,840 1,227,310 913,892
Deduct Decroase 913,802
Increase on the 'Year 313,418
Quarters ended 10th Oct.
1833. 1831. Increase. Decrease.
Cestoins 4.272,449 4,950,500 673,051
Eseise 4,771,309 3,9'24.785
Stamps 1,0s1.726 1,659,003
22.718 Taxes 632,129 508,714
143,415 Pest-office 371,000 366.000
50;0 Miscellaneous 4,394 1.712
2,682 Total Ordinary Revenue 11,753,007 11.410.719
Imprest and other Monies, in- cluding Repayments of Ad- vances for Public Works 87,393 99,527 12,224
Total Income. 11,840,310 11,510.246 690,275 1,020,333
Deduct Increase
Decrease on the Quarter
Income and Charge on the Consolidated Fund, in the Quarters ended 10th Oct. 1833 and 183.1.
;•ustoms Excise Starupa Taxes
Poi t .office
Miscellaneous Tontine Money
To Cash broaght to this Account to replaee tlw like Sum issued, or to be issued out of the Consolidaled 1.'111,41 in Ireland for Supply and other Services. To Cash brought to this Account front the Civil 1.15t, Sup- plies, 8cc
Quarters ended
Oct. 10 1S3 X 9,957.539 4,771,309 1,681,726 652.129 31,0, ut 15,638
X 3,175.530 3,024.785 11;59,0118 308.714 860,1;00 22.233
• •
202,025 10,119,401
322,689 10,772,090 Quarters e 1833. 10,138,907 vied Oct. 10 1834.
Permanent Debt 3,048,129 3,001,801 Terminable Annuities 1,301,158 1,313,611 Interest on Exchequer Bills issued to meet the Charge on the
Consolidated Fund 21,301 18,601 Sinking Fund 175,483 344.257 Civil List 127,500 ,5110 Other Charges on the Consolidated Fund, including Civil
Government Services, formerly paid out of the Civil List,
or the Hereditary Revenues of the Crown 245.187 248,402 Total Charge 5,518,761 5,654,205 Surplus 5,253,329 4,504,702
Cxchequer Bills issued to meet the Charge on the Consoli- dated Fund for the Quarter ended 5th July, and paid off out of the growing produce of that Fund for the Quarter ended 10th Oct. 1834
Amount issued in the Quarter ended 10th Oct. 1834. in part of the Sums granted by Parliament out of the Consolidated
Fund, for Supply Services 2,534,741
The Surplus of the Consolidated Fund, Quarter ended 10th
Oct. 1834 4,504,702 1,969,961 The probable Amount of Exchequer Bills required to meet the charge on the Consolidated Fund, Quarter ended 10th
Oct. 1834