At the Big Houses, the principal tragedians, DENVIL and VANDEN-
110EF, have been doing their best to full the parts for which they lave been cast by the manager. Durevis has appeared in Richard, and Is announced for Bertram and VANDENHOPE has played Macbeth and Woisey. It is doing injustice to the talent and ability of these actors, to thrust them before the public in characters beyond their powers, when they might adorn so many within their scope. YINING, from the Haymarket, has made his advent. Is he too to play a round of characters in comedies got up 011 purpose for him ? A new petite comedy with the title of the Regent is announced for to-night, at Drury Lane. Manfred is to be dragged on the stage, with VA:sot:Noon, instead of MACREADY, for whom it was (not fitted, but) patched up for representation; and who alone was likely to wr- it the personal interest which is required to stand instead of dramatic effect. The name of I3vaost is its enly recommendation to the Manager.