The Hall, Hughes, from Bengal to Liverpool, iliD; put into Ascension with et.usi. derabte damage, and most discharge her ral go.
An ived—.1t Deal, I h.t. 14th. Eueliature,s. Cannay, from Bengal ; 15th. Nei tune, Thotupson, from Singarore; 16th, Lloyd's, Garratt, town ditto ; and Mulgrave. Coul- son. from Bengal. In the Cl■ de. nth. taffIllen. Clayton, from China. At St. Ilelvu41. Aug. 10th, Meta, Gaskill, fins. ,I ruin iris; it Ii, No.ton, Mitehell, from Lou- don ; 17th, Frances Uharlidte, Smith. from China ; and I .ml. , Southworth. Mall fly. from Balm ia. .At the Cape..ltily 24th, Margare Graham, I lamilton, (eon, the Clyde ; and 2611i. Lord llobart, II, rrington, from London. At Bengal, .1pril 25t1,. Ceres, Bl.tin. pied, from London ; and May 2.1. West.', scorr, from ditto. At Batavia, June lath. Madras. Thornton; and India, Cook, from Liverpool. At Canton, April 10t II, Albion. Putnam, from Liverpool. Sailed —From Gravesend, Oct. 12th, Warrior, Stone. for New South Wales; 1311, Prince Regent, Boucher, for Bombay ; mud ith in, Achilles, Duncan, for St. Helmet. From Liverpool. 11 th. Asia. 'forge, for lionthay ; 10111, Thomas Mellor, flint chi for Bengal ; Ihomas Nile, Elliot, for the Cape ; and Lith, Coilingwood, llookey, fur Bengal.