M. DUCHATEL has received a very unceremonious answer to his
com- mercial inquiries, from the Chamber of Commerce at Bordeaux. They refer him to the very full statement of their arguments against restric- tions on foreign trade, which they forwarded to his predecessor, M. TtnEns ; and refuse to go over the same ground again. Several of the other principal towns are equally indignant, for the same reasons ; while those which dread an alteration of the existing system, are unwilling to aid such a project by communicating information to the Minister : between the two conflicting parties be seems to be exceedingly unpopular. IC
is, however, lint fir tn. M. Dri:;1.., ttr r m d, that Ilia r:osi-
tion as a reformer of the Frerich col tonercial s)st,m., 14 one of extreme difficulty.