ssoea Excassar, Far ru, A FTF.
The issue of the Dividends and the payment Df the Dissented Four per Cent. Stock has made money much more abundant ; the evidence of which is, the improvement in the price of Consols, and the ease ss41.11 which the siwculatwe
transactions for the October Account (the settlement of whirl. took place on Wednesday) were carried over. The busircss in the English hos for some time past been quite insignificant, and notEng of moment has occurred in the present week to distinguish it from the many that have preceded it. T he Spanish Stock Market has been in an extraordinary state of excitement. 'f he decision of the Commons House of the Spanish Cortes upon the importaut
question of the recognition of the Bonds, which was partially known on Satur- day evening, and became public on the appearance of the morning pliers of Monday, has disappointed the hopes of the holders of these Securities ; and tle: Consequence has le en an immense reaction in price. At the close 4,f hasintss on Saturday, the Bonds were quoted at 57', ; the opening price on M■aulay was 54; the decline continued during that day and Tuesday, to 30 femn this point a rise took place ; and, after fluctuating during Wednesday and Thursday between. it and 32, a further improvement to 35; took place this morLiwg; the closing price vi the day is 54; 1. The sudden improvement of to. day is attributed, according to one rumeur, to the appointment of at 011111,11tree by the Proceres or !toper house of the Cones, to investigate tle: whole of the inances; and by another report, to the lot of our Ambassador at Iii hi hav- ing remonstrated on the behalf of his Gevernment at the injustice at tempted against the claims of the Cortes Bondholders. Either of these circumstances would lie sufficient to elevate the hopes of the Stockholders, and thus to pro. duce the improvement alluded to. All statements bearing on this qutstion, must, however, be received with great caution.
The other Foreign Stocks have been but slilitly affected. The trans:1(.60ns in Dutch Bonds have been more extensive than usual ; but the fluctuations have not been considerable. Nothiog has occurred either in these or any of the other Bonds to require particular remark.
The settlement of the half-monthly account occurred here to-day. From the immense speculations on foot and great extent of business done, several failures were anticipated ; but the day has passed over without an.). being declared.
Little has been doing this morning; even the Spanish Stock Market is in a state of inactivity : the improvement which took place )esti:inlay ii. these Se- curities has not been supported : the opening price was 54, but the Bonds speedily 5:3:1, and are now 53,-;1. By a recent arrival from Colon.bia, intelligence to a late date has been received. Nothing has been done. in the ap portionme t 1 the Debts ; and the best part of the intelligence consists of the
often-repeated determination of the C *ssioners of Venezuela and New Granada, to proceed to this duty without the presence of the Commissioners of the Escuador.
S.VIDRD y, POUR C.OM. Spanish Stock has been higher dining the afternoon ; tile price having reached 54-1.. A reaction has, however since taken, and the !irk° is now
33/1 Portuguese Bonds have improved in price, and are now tel..; The business since the morning leis been quite unimportant.
3 per Cent. CMISOIS 901 91 I Ihdch per Cent: Thtto for Accoont 91,1 I French 3 1r !New 31 per Cent. Amplifies 92i 2 Greek Olhini■RIL 5 per Cents .
Bank Stock ' Mexi.• .11 6 ler Ceins
India Stock it urri. ,O we ( 'ent.......
Exelavter Bills 37 3n10 Do. n 5le,ok,5perCent. Belgian 5 per Cents 1014 1 Pru,dan (1,,1-4. 5 pr Cent .. Brazilian 5 per Cents. ex. die 76t 771 Bussim( is.2.2).-. per Cent... 1014 Danish 3 per Cents. ex. div 761 Spanish (1821)5 per Cent... 5