Opera is just now on the ascendant in the theatrical
hemisphere. Auxoro still intends, we believe, to bring out Mr. TnostsoN's Her- num, though his season has scarcely a month to run. Banxerr's Mountain Sylph has renewed its attraction, by Purrtars's return to his part of Hela ; and Nourjahad is to be revived again. Crammed Brig, a Scottish musical piece in great repute at the Edinburgh Theatre, is ad. vertised for AIonday ; and a new operetta by Mr. .MACFAIMEN, formerly a pupil and now a professor in the Musical Academy, is in rehearsal, I.. the mean tune, SEnt.E's Widow Queen increases in pepularity ; and is performed nightly as an afterpiece. To make room for these various novelties, the performances of the Lyceum now conn mence at seven, with some short piece as a " prelude " to the grand opera, which begins at eight as before. Rumours of operas reach us from the other side of the river also. A new one is announced at the Victoria, the composition, it is said, of Gsossor the manager, in whkh Bastian and ELIZA PATON are to
appear. And another, by Ronwstr., is in preparation at the Surry; in which Miss I:hems) is to be the prima donna, and Misers is to take a principal character when his engagement at the Lycetun ter- minates.