18 OCTOBER 1845, Page 19


WAR-OFFICE, Oct. 17.-6th Drag. Guards-Lieut. Lord A. S. Churchill, from 8th Light Drags., to he Lieut., vice Bourehier, who exchanges. 8th Light Drags.-Lient C. J. Bourellier, from 6th Light Drag. Guards, to be Lieut., vice Lord A. S. Churchill, who exchanges. 17th Foot-Ensign A. Baxter, to be Lieut., without purchase, vice M•Pherson, dec.; G. Lamert. Gent., to be Ensign, vice Baxter. 44th Foot -Mink It. C. Noake to be Adult., vice Phillips, who resigns the Adjutancy only. 50th Foot--- Lieut. J. L. Wilton, from 31st Foot, to be Capt., without purchase, vice Stapleton, dec.; Ensign R. M. Barnes, to be Lieut., without purchase, vice Mullen, appointed Adjut.; R. C. Clifibrd, Gent., to be Ensign, vice Barnes; Lieut. E. C. Mullen, to be Adjut., vice. Crowe, dec. 62nd Foot-Lieut. H. Wells to be Capt., without purchase, vice ilutobinie dec.; Ensign W. L. Ingall to be Lieut., without purchase, vice Wells; H. W. Sibley; Gent, to be Ensign; vies Ingall. 73rd Foot-H. Somers, M.D., to be Assist: Stirs. 80th Foot-Ensign II. G. J. Bowler, to be Lieut., without purchase, vice Ffluney, dee.; H. L. Grove, Gent., to be Ensign, vice Bowler. 84th Foot-To be Majors without purchase-Capt. IL Russell, vice Clarke, dec.; Capt. M. B. G. Reed, vice Russell, whose promotion has been cancelled. To be Capte., without purchase-Lieut. T. Davi- son, vice Russell; Lieut. G. F. Harrison, vice Reed. To be Lieut., wtthout purchase- Ensign R. C. C. Kolieston, vice Davison. To be Lieut., by purchase-Ensign G. B. V. Arbuckle, vice Relleston, whose promotion, by purchase, has been cancelled.

3rd West India Regiment-Ensign G. A. Anquetil, to be Lieut., without purchase; vice M'Teggart, dee.; Quartermaster E. Conron to be Ensign, vice Anquettl; Sergi- Major T. Fitzgerald to be Quartermaster, vice Conron, appointed Ensign.

Ceylon Rifle Regiment-Lieut. E. J. Allworthy, to be Capt., by purchase, vice War- burton, who retires; Lieut. T. Leonard, from half-pay Meumn's Regt. to be Lient„ vice J. J. Dwyer, promoted ; Second Lieut. L. A. Forbes to be First Lieut. by pur- chase, vice Leonard, who retiree; Second Lieut. W. Pownall to be First Lieut., by, purchase, vice Holdsworthy ; C. E. Kingsmill, Gent., to be Second Lieut., by purchase, vice Forbes; G. S. Twynara, Gent., to be Second Lieut., by purchase, vice Parnell.

M'EsioRANDO3L-The commission of Ensign Strange Batson Hartigan, in the X* West India Regt., to be ante-dated March 1, 1845, instead of July 30, 1844.