Zbe eDourt.
THE fine weather of the week has been duly improved by the Court; her Majesty taking walks, rides, and drives, with Prince Albert and other re- sidents at the Castle; the Prince going out to shoot almost daily; and the children being taken to ride and walk.
There have been several visiters at the Castle. The Dutchess of Kent has usually joined the dinner-parties. Prince George of Cambridge ar- rived on Saturday, and staid till Wednesday ; sharing the out-door exer- else of his relatives. Sir Robert Peel, who arrived last week, staid till Tuesday, and was among the sportsmen. Other visitors have been, the Princess Czernechiff and her daughter, the Earl of Aberdeen, the Cheva- lier Bunsen, and Sir Henry Wheatley.
The Queen gave audience to the Judge-Advocate-General on Tuesday. M. Mienrditz Milconian, a Turkish artist, exhibited to the Queen and Prince Albert, on Wednesday, a model of Constantinople.
The Queen Dowager, with the Dutchess Ida of Saxe Weimar, Prince Edward, and the Princesses Anna and Amelie, left Witley Court, in Wor- cestershire, on Thursday; and, travelling by the Birmingham and Glouces- ter and the Birmingham and London Railways, arrived at Marlborough House on the same day.
The Dutchess Ida, with Prince Edward and the Princesses, left Marlborough House last night, and embarked in the Ostend steam-packet, on their return to the Continent.