8roca EXORARDR, FRIDAY Arm:wools,
The French Funds declined every day during the week till yesterday, when an advance of about per cent occurred. From the end of September tiP to Wednesday afternoon, the fall in Paris bad been about 21 per cent; but this decline had not produced any effect upon our own Funds. Yester- day morning, however, there was a disposition to sell Stook ; and the price of Consols went below 97 immediately upon the opening of the market ; the appearance of which was for a short time heavy. The broker of the East India Company, however, soon appeared, and purchased very extensively, on account as is reported) of the fund now in course of accumulation to Provide for the redemption of the East India Stock; and Console improved to 971. The price reacted in the course of the day, and closed at 96197. This morning the tone of the market was again firmer, and the quotation of 971 was reached both for Money and Account. Late in the day, some specu- lat ve sales occurred, in consequence, it is said, of the receipt of unfavour- able intelligence from the Cape of Good Hope. The price of Consols has eon- sequentl y declined to 97, and closes at 97 to 971. The Dividends were paid to the public on Tuesday money is consequently very abundant. The transactions in the Foreign Market have been extremely limited. Ve- nezuelan Stock has gone up about 2 per dent ; the price today is 321. The ether South American Stocks are without change. The transactions tin Rus- sian and the Northern European Stocks have been insignificant ; and there is no material change in prices. Sardinian Serkis rather heavy ; the price today being 3 discount, and that of the Stock 821. A payment of 10 per tent willbecome due upon the Scrip on the 21st instan Spanish Stock is heavier, in consequence of a decline at Amsterdam. A meeting of the Bondholders is convened for Monday nett, to consider the course to be adopted with re- spect to the conversion. An attempt will also be made to reopen the ques- tion as to the over-due Coupans4. lame ,portianef_the Bondholders being dis- Misted with the present arrangement. When, however, ibikpaitfpfait that the terms proposed are the highest that could be obtailierfrorn the Spanish Government by the united efforts of the Ambassadors of France, England, Holland, and Prussia, in conjunction with M. Wiesweilier, repre- senting at Madrid both the English Bondholders and the influential house of Rothschild, it is hardly to be supposed that any more favourable conjuncture can arise, or any more advantageous terms be obtained.
The Railway Shares are all lower than last week I the decline in the more important lines being from 1/. to 2/. Scarcely any operations of interest have occurred, although the business transacted has been of a general cha- racter. The French Shares have been heavy, but are rather firmer today, in consequence of the improvement in Paris yesterday : still the transactions have been unimportant.
SATURDAY Two &clot*.
The English Funds have improved 1 per cent, in the absence of any busi- ness of importance ; the closing price of Consols both for Money and Ac- count being 97/ .. In the Foreign Market, the current varieties of Stock are all heavy, in consequence of a decline of prices in the foreign markets, especially Amsterdam. The following are the principal bargains—Equedor, .31; Mexican 261 i ; Portuguese, 321 I.; Russian Four-and-a-half rey Cents, 1011; Spanish Active, 201; Ditto Three per Cents, 3$1; Ditto De- ferred, 11. The business of the Railway Share Market, though general, has not caused much change in prices. Shares went down during the morning, but reco- vered generally to previous quotations with the improvement of the English Funds. The following are the principal bargains—Bristol and Exeter, 781 79 ; Caledonian, 111 1 ; Eastern Counties, 61 6; East Lancashire, 14/ ; Great Northern, 14 1; Ditto Half-shares A Deferred, 41; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 331 ; Great Western, 801 1 I a 1 eat ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 541 31 4 ; Ditto West Riding Union, 51; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 94 31; London and North-western, 1131 13 14 ; London and South-western, 801 1 801 1; Midland, 47 61 7 61 7; North British, 51 51 ; North Staffordshire, 81 1; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 13$14 ; Scottish Central, 131 ; South-eastern and Dover,181 4 ; York, New- castle, and Berwick, 171 1; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase or Preference, 51; York and North Midland, 181 1; Great Northern 6 per Cent, 131; Australasian, 37 1 ex div. ; London Joint Stock, 181; Oriental, 261.
31 per Cents 3 per Cent Reduced
99' 8 phleeruxiveianan 56 ppeerrCceenntts.1846 ... 26 27'
Ditto 4 per Cents 871 84 no 3 per Cent Consols 97 1 Dutch 21 per Cents . ■ . 581 Dit.o for Account ., 97 Long Annuities Bank Stock 8 18-16 7 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842.. 32 3 21 13 Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 86 8 Exchequer Bills 80 3 pm. Russian 5 per Cents 111 113 Brazilian 5 per Cents — Ditto 41 per Cents 1011 / India Stock ti Chiliah 6 per Cents 102 4 Sardinian Scrip 81 1 dig.
Belgian 44 per Cents 93 5 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 Si8 85 7 Spanish Active) 5 per Cents 20 a lg
Danish 5 per Cents 101 3 Ditto Bonds 82 8
Ditto 3 per Cents 16 8 'Si ,
BANKING nessatrustet.
£98,484,784 Proprietors' Capital fI4,883,000 Government Socuritits On- Itest 8,101,791 chiding Dead weight Annuity) C18,484,218 Public Dept.:lite' 5,728,421 Other Securities 14,387.804
Other Deposita 8,603,815 Rotes 8,03,100
Eleven Day and other Dills 1,212,848 Gold and Silver Coin 698,1118 i87,280,575 07,280,575
• Including Exchequer, Savings-itanks,Cotamissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Accts. SATURDAY TWELVE °Twee.
Consols have been done at 97 and 971 both for Money and Account, and the price is now 971, with but little doing. The Foreign Funds, are all no- minally at yesterday's prices; Dutch Stock is, however, heavy at the nomi- nal quotations, in consequence of a decline of price in Amsterdam ; Spanish Stocks are also dull, from the same cause—the heaviness of the foreign mar- kets. The transactions in Railway Shares have been as yet unimportant, and prices are generally the same as yesterday. A fall of 10 cents occurred in the price of the Five per Cents in Paris yesterday. The French Shares are here without change.
MI Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, car the Week eliding on Saturday, the 11th day of Oct. 1841. Intl DEPARTMENT.
Notes issued £28,454,780 Government Debt £11,015,1011 Other Securities 2,904,500 Gold Cctin and Bullion 14,421.408 Silver Bullion 83,275