Tuesday, October 13.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVEM-The Leicester Loan and Discount Company, Leices- ter Place ; as far as regards J. Last-Marshall and Allen, Birmingham, hotelkeepers -Lloyd and Mason, Cottingham, Yorkshire, coach-makers-Ridgway and Purser, Sheffield, ironmongers-Garrad and Co. Paddington Street, coach-platers-Mason and Co. New London Street; as far as regards R. 1P W. Sharp-Greenaway and Wright, Wine Office Court, Fleet Street, wood-engravers-Bodington and Kench, Dudley, millers-Davenport, Brothers, Birmingham, general factors-Worthington and Co. Leek, silk-manufacturers-Puest and Wick6, Gower's Walk, Whitechapel, sugar-refi- tiers -S Corey and Babas, Berwick, Lancashire, tailors-Wilson and Co. Liverpool, wine- merchants-Ashton and Galton, Leadenhall Market, provision-merchants-E. and W. Lovett, Bilston, grocers-Jukes and Blaine, Tisbury, surgeons-Hughes and Miller, Bishop Stortford, well-diggers-Roberts and Wood, Chancery Lane, surveyors- Timewell and Son, Dover-Small and Co. Old Jewry, merchants ; as far as regards S. Neave-Keller and Manly, Sherbome Lane, eating-house-keepers-The Norwich Union Reversionary Interest Company, Edinburgh ; as far as regards J. Crawford jun.-Jones and Co. bankers ; as far as regards C. W. Tabor-Saunders and Millard, Southampton, ironmongers. BANKRUPTCY ANNDLLED-JACOB HARVEY, Gravesend, timber-merchant.
BANEnerrs.-JOHN and EDWARD LEACH, Waterbeach, builders, to surrender Oct. 24, Nov.21 : solicitors, Pickering and Co. Lincoln's Inn; Archer, Ely ; official assig- nee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-EDWARD RITHERDON, Mill Wall, ship-builder, Oct. 24, Nov. 18: solicitors, Lindsay and Mason, Gresham Street ; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane-JAMES MORISON WILSON, Eton, bookseller, Oct. 28, Nov. 25: so- licitor, Kinsey, Bloomsbury Square ; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane- EDWAun JONES, Church Street, Blackfriars Road, currier, Oct. 23, Nov. 24: solici- tor, Hepburn, Copthall Court; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Build- ings-SIDNEY SHERLOCK, Liverpool, wine-merchant, Oct. 23, Nov. 27 : solicitors, Yates jun. Liverpool ; Dearden, Manchester; official assignee, Bird, Liverpool- JOHN REID, Huddersfield, merchant, Oct. 27, Nov. 24: solicitors, Courtenay and Compton, Leeds; Clough and Bantoft, Huddersfield ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds -WILLIAM WILLIAMS and Co. Newport, Monmouthshire, bankers, Nov. 4, Dec. 3: solicitors, Bevan, Bristol; Hall, Newport; official assignee, Acraman, Bristol. DIVIDENDS.-Nov. 5, Dixon, Leeds, draper-Nov. 5, Ballingall, Edward Street, Portman Square, pianoforte-maker-Nov. 5, Mills, Lynn, glover-Nov. 4, Latham, Howland Street, Fitzroy Square, pianoforte-manufacturer-Nov. 4, Canning, Broad Street, merchant-Nov. 1, R. Pegg, Brighton, wine-merchant-Nov. 1, Hobson, Wellingborough, corn-merchant. CERTIFICATE1L-To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Nov. 4, Trego, Coleman Street, builder-Nov. 4, Ayles, Rickmansworth, builder-Nov. 5, Beastall and Mather, High Street, Kensington, linen-drapers- Nov. 6, Follit, Chenies' Place, Somers Town, carver-Nov. 6, Franckeiss, Portsea, woollen-draper-Nov. 1, Pegg, Brighton, wine-merchant-Nov. 1,4G older, Folkestone, miller-Nov. 4, Graham, Noble Street, warehouseman-Nov. 1, Magrath, George Row, City Road, colour-manufacturer-Nov. 5, Decley, Trinity Street, Dover Road, iron-founder-Nov. 1, Hobson, Wellingborough, corn-merchant-Nov. 6, Mooney, Liverpool, corn-merchant-Nov. 4, Hargreaves, Liverpool, tailor-Nov. 4, Mumford, Stoke Gabriel, Devonshire, miller-Nov. 4, (not 10, as advertised in last Friday's Gazette,) Thorpe, Stafford, last-manufacturer - Nov. 5, Brunskill, Paternoster Row, silk-manufacturer. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.-Hinchliffe, Sheffield, manufacturer; second din. of 4g. 6d. Oct. 25, or any subsequent Saturday ; Freeman, Sheffield-Osborn, Sheffield, wine-merchant ; second div. of ls. 2d. Oct. 25, or any subsequent Saturday ; Free- man, Sheffield. Sawn SEQUESTRATIONS.-Buchanan, Glasgow, shawl-printer, Oct. 10, Nov. 10 -Boyd, Glasgow, commission-merchant, Oct. 20, Nov. 10-Dallas, Glasgow, coach- builder, Oct. 17, Nov. 7-A. and D. Christy, Glasgow, soap-manufacturers, Oct. 21, Nov. 14-Stark, Glasgow, wholesale grocer, Oct. 20, Nov. 10-Taylor, Glasgow, merchant, Oct. 20, Nov. 10-M'Call and Co. Edinburgh, straw-bonnet-makers, Oct. 21, Nov. 13-White, Glasgow, merchant, Oct. 22, Nov. 19.
Friday, October 17. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Adams and Co. Norwich, coach-makers-Adams and Jolly, Norwich, coach-makers-Adams and Hooper, Haymarket, coach-makers- Gregory and Settle, Cheetham, grocers-Chidell and Casse, Maids Hill, schoolmas- ters-Schmolze and Rildiger, Old Jewry Chambers, commission-agents-Anderson and Cattley, Great Suffolk Street, soap-manufacturers-Dean and Sons, Essex Street, attornies ; as far as regards J. J. Dean-J. and W. Kirkham, Audlem, Cheshire, mercers-J. and T. Smith, Wanlip, Leicestershire, farmers-Wyatt and Winterlfot- tom, Manchester, gingham-manufacturers-Sutton and Son, Deal, drapers-Pottier and Wastell, Tyasen Street, Bethnal Green, wood-dealers-Swansea Iron Ship Build- ing, Company, Swansea-Broughton and Baynes, Bawtry, Yorkshire, attornies-Jor- dan and Gomm, Pump Row, Old Street Road-Wilson and Co. Sheffield, iron-found- ers-Gruner and Co. Manchester ; and Sehmiat and Co. Mexico, merchants ; as far as regards W. F. Higson-Brewster and Co. Bull's Head Court, Newgate Street, per- fumers-Johnson and Astrenden, John Street, Dockhead, corn-dealers-Walker and Co. Huddersfield, woolstaplers-James and Co. Helston, Cornwall, hatters-E. G. and J. Cadwallader, Swansea, tailors-Tattersall and Son, Liverpool, clothiers-J. and J. Allanson, Bolton-le-Moors, tailors-The Glasgow Iron Work Company; as far as regards N. Meese. BANEiterrs.-GEORGE FREDERICK Nimionn, Slough, music-seller, to surrender Oct. 23, Nov. 24: solicitors, Linklaters, Charlotte Row ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-JosEem MAnurorr, Gracechurch Street, oilman, Oct. 25, Nov. 27: solicitors, Linklaters, Charlotte Row; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-GEORGE LAWS, Waltham Abbey, linen-draper, Oct. 29, Nov. 25 : solici- tor, Chambers, Tokenhouse Yard ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court- Jamas WurrAsten and Josuem Caowrirea, Buslingthorpe, Yorkshire, stuff-dyers, Nov. 3, Dec. 1: solicitors, Courtenay, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Sutcliffe, Sowerby Bridge, Halifax ; Courteuay and Compton, Leeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds- WILLIAM THOMPSON ADCOCK, Manchester, hotelkeeper, Nov. 7, 24: solicitors, Cooper and Co. and Street, Manchester; official assignee, Mackenzie, Manchester. DIVIDENDS.-Nov. 13, Merrett, Leadenhall Street, surgeon-Nov. 7, Burn, Sack- ville Street, tailor-Nov. 8, May, Brecknock Terrace, Camden Town, draper-Nov. 10, Matthews, Paternoster Row, bookseller-Nov. 8, Franckeiss, Portsea, woollen- draper-Nov. 7, Watson, Salisbury Court, Fleet Street, victualler-Nov. 7, Watkins, Belmont Row, Vauxhall, draper-Nov. 7, Johns, Great Queen Street, fixture-dealer -Nov. 7, Adamson, Bond Court, Walbrook, merchant-Nov. 7, Hawley, Woolwich, grocer-Nov. 7, Heygate, Watford, Northamptonshire, brick-maker-Nov. 7, Tap- penden, Friendly Place, Old Kent Road, tailor-Nov. 11, Mitchell, Barnsley, York- shire, iron-founder-Nov. 11, I. and J. S. Dewhurst, Skipton, cotton-spinners-Nov. 11, Clarke, Hawes, Yorkshire, wine-merchant-Nov. 7, Mathison, Ferryhill, Dur- ham, builder-Nov. 7, Harrison; Sunderland, draper-Nov. 7, H. R. and W. Kay, Heywood, Lancashire, cotton-spinners-Nov. 7, Lord, Rochdale, sheep-salesman- Nov- 7. J. and T. Hoyle, Salford, cotton-manufacturers. CERTIPICATIC.-To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting,-Nov. 11, Brown, Brunswick Street, Stamford Street, engineer-Nov. 10, Feeny and Guard, St. Martin's Lane, woollen-drapers-Nov. 7, Matthews, Pater- noster Row, bookseller-Nov. 10, Norton, Asylum Road, Old Kent Road, wine- merchant-Nov. 8, Clay, Eastry, Kent, linen-draper-Nov. 7, Limbird, Strand, sta- tioner-Nov. 8, Mott, Gracechurch Street, tailor-Nov. 7, Hunt, Edgware Road, draper-Nov. 7, Buchanan, Gerard Street, picture-dealer-Nov. 8, Deane, Charles Street, Soho, victualler-Nov. 10, Shaw, Wakefield, grocer-Nov. 12, Midgley, carpenter-Nov. 10, Carpenter, Eardisland, Herefordshire, miller. DECLARATIONS OF Drrnmuss.-Horrocks, Liverpool, grocer ; first div. of ls. Oct. 22, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Turner, Liverpool-Roope, Liverpool, wine- merchant; first div. of Is. 4d. Oct. 22, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Turner, Liverpool-Lax, Darlington, land-surveyor; first div. of ls. Id. on new proofs, Oct. 18, or any subsequent Saturday ; Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Sayce, Heywood, Lancashire, grocer; first and final div. of 4s. Id. Oct. 21, or any subsequent Tues- day; Fraser, Manchester-Johnstone, Manchester, innkeeper; first and final div. of 6d. Oct. 21, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Fraser, Manchester-Hamshar, Lofts, Essex, miller; first div. of Is. 7d. Oct. 18, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Basinghall Street-Hall, Brighton, victualler; first div. of ls. 10d. Oct. 18, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Basinghall Street-Hayton, Theme, clerk ; third div. of ls. 9d. Oct. 18, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Basinghall Street -J. E. and F. New, High Street, Aldgate, stationers ; first div. of 30. Oct. 18, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Basinghall Street. Scorch SEQUESTRATIONS.-M'Kechnie, Paisley, manufacturer, Oct. 21, Nov. 10- A. G. and D. Morton, Glasgow, soap-manufacturers, Oct. 24, Nov. 21-Walker, Kir- riemuir, writer, Oct. 23, Nov. 30-Latto, Dundee, draper, Oct. 23, Nov. 13.