18 OCTOBER 1856, Page 19



WAn DEPARTEENT, Pall Mall, Oct. 14.-Infantry--45th Regiment of Foot- Gen. T. B. Aylmer to be Col. vice Gen. Sir C. Halkett, G.C.B. deceased. 57th Regiment of Foot-Major-Gen. Sir J. F. Love, K.C.B. to be Col. vice Field- Marshal Visct. Hardinge, G.C.B. deceased.

Cavalry-2d Regiment of Life Guards-A. C. II. Stewart, Gent, to be Cornet and Sub-Lieut. by purchase,! vice Lord E. M‘D. V. Tempest, appointed to the 4th Light Dragoons. 5th Dragoon Guards-Cornet F. D. Hibbert has been permitted to resign his com- mission.

12th Light Dragoons-Brevet-Col. F. C. Griffiths, from the 9th Light Drags, to be Lieut.-Col.

Infantry-2d Regiment of Foot-Capt. W. Campbell, from the 71st Foot, to be Capt. vice Itocke, who exchanges.

35th Foot-Capt. R. C. Stewart, from half-pay of the Rifle Brigade, to be Capt. vice 0. N. Chatterton, who exchanges. 40th Foot-Lieut. W. Gibson, from the 48th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Osborne, who exchanges.

48th Foot-Lieut. F. W. Osborne, from the 40th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Gibson, who exchanges. 49th Foot-Lieut. W. B. C. Goodison, from the Cape Mounted Riflemen, to be Lieut. vice Crossman, who exchanges. 7Ist Foot-Capt. J. H. Rooks, from the 2d Foot, to be Capt. vice W. Ca. npbell, who exchanges. 76th Foot-Lieut. J. H. Linton, from the 82d Foot, to be Lieut. vice O'Malley, who exchanges.

82d Foot-Lieut. W. B. O'Malley, from the 76th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Linton, who exchanges.

2d West India Regiment-T. B. Ogden, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Pugh, promoted.

Cape Mounted Riflemen-Lieut. E. D. Crossman, from the 49th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Goodison, who exchanges.

St. Helena Regiment-Lieut. E. C. Barnes to be Adjt. vice Cowell, who resigns the Adjtcy. only.

Land Transport Corps-Quartermaster G. Blake has been superseded for being absent without leave.

British Italian Legion-lst Regiment-Doctor F. Depraz to be Surgeon.

Depot Battalions-Lieut.-Col. R. T. Farren, C.B. from the 47th Foot, to be Lieut.- Col. Major J. Lawrie, from half-pay, Unatt. to be Major. Capt. H. .1. Buchanan, from the 47th Foot to be Adjt. For Quartermaster John Thompson, from the Cavalry Depot, to be Quartermaster, &c. which appeared in the Gazette of the 9d inst. read-Quartermaster John Thompson, from "half-pay of the Consolidated" Cavalry Depot, to be Quartermaster, &c.

Hospital 8tajr-The undermentioned Acting Assist.-Surgs, have ceased to do duty, there being no longer occasion for their services-J. Schoolbraid, M.D. ; A. H. Billion; and G. E. Whitton.

Brevet-Quartermaster D. Doherty, retired upon half-pay of a depot battalion, to have the honorary rank of Capt. under the Royal warrant of the 17th of Dec. 1855.


WAR-DE.PARTMENT, PALL MALL, OCT. 17. Memorandum.-Cornets Lord Ernest Vane Tempest and William J. Birt, of the 4th Light Dragoons, are dismissed from her Majesty's Army, in consequence of con- duct unbecoming officers and gentlemen, and subversive of good order and military discipline, as reported to her Majesty by his Royal Highness the General Com- manding-m-chief. The Queen has been graciously pleased to direct that the Corps of Royal Sappers and Miners shall henceforward be denominated the Corps of Royal Engineers, and form one body with the existing Corps of Royal Engineers.

WAR DEPARTMENT, Oct. 17.-Caralry-6th Regiment of Dragoons-Assist.- Sure. W. R. Grylla has been permitted to resign his commission.

8th Light Drags -Brevet Lieut.-Col. R. de Sails to be Lieut.-Col. without pur- chase, vice Brevet-Col. F. G. Shewell, C.B. deceased ; Capt. A. J. Lord Killeen lobe Major, without purchase, vice De Solis.

Infantry.-Grenadier Regiment of Foot Guards-Lieut.-Col. A. C. Cure, from half-Pay Unatt. to be Capt. and Lieut.-Col. vice Brevet-Col. Hon. A. Gordon, who exchanges.

15th Foot-Lieut. R. L. Dashwood, from the 34th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Ball, who exchanges.

21st Foot-Lieut. R. Stephens to be Capt. by purchase, vice Brevet-Major Finley, who retires.

34th Foot-Lieut. F. Ball, from the 15th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Dashwood, who exchanges. 38th Foot-Lieut. G. R. J. Marshall to be Capt. without purchase, vice Boyd, deceased ; Ensign R. L. Hawkes to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Marshall. 45th Foot-Staff-Surg, of the Second Class T. Best to be Surg. vice Waring, who exchanges. 48th Foot-Ensign G. P. Cobbe has been superseded, he having been absent without leave. 53d Foot-Lieut.-Col. G. S. Deverill, from half-pay Unatt. to be Lieut.-CoL vice Brevet-Col. Haverlock, who exchanges ; Major J. 111•Neill Walter to be Lieut.- Col. by purchase, vice Deverill, who retires ; Capt. P. W. S. Ross to be Major, by purchase, vice Walter.

54th Foot-Lieut. S. N. Falkiner, from the North Tipperary Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Herrick, promoted. 65th Foot-Capt. F. R. Stack, from the St. Helena Regiment, to be Capt. vice D'Arey, promoted, without purchase, to an Unatt. Majority. 78th Foot-Lieut. R. Bogle to be Capt. by purchase, vice Brevet-Major Grehan, who retires; Ensign 51. A. Kirby to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Bogle ; R. P. But- ler, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Kirby.

let West India Regiment-Lieut. W. H. Hill, from the 3d West India Regt. to be Lieut. vice Green, who exchanges; Lieut. C. F. Holt, from the 2d West India. Regt. to be Lieut. vice Malone, who exchanges.

Wed India Regiment-Lieut. P. Malone, from the 1st West India Regt. to be Lieut. vice Holt, who exchanges ; Ensign M. W. B. Edwardes to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Laughlin, appointed to the 41st Foot.

341 West India Regiment-Ensign F. *Moorman to be Lieut. without purchase, vice D'Esterre Taylor, dec. ; Lieut. F. J. Green, from the 1st West India Regiment, to be Lieut. vice lull, who exchanges ; Ensign J. B. Jackson to be Lieut. by pur- chase, vice Rowland, whose promotion by purchase on the 15th May 1855 has been cancelled ; Regimental Sergeant-Major J. Arnold to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Shearman.

Depot Battalions-Major W. Hardy, from half-pay Unatt. to be Major ; Capt. W. Daunt, 9th Foot, to be Adjt. To be Quartermasters-Lieut. T. Vousden. from the 21st Foot ; Lieut. J. Scott, from the 55th Foot ; Assist.-Quartermaster J. Desmond ; Quartermaster T. Fitzgerald, from the 94th Foot ; Quartermaster T. Morris, from the Depot Battalion, Scutari; Assist.-Quartermaster T. Walker; Quartermaster R. Jameson, from the 79th Foot ; Quartermaster J. H. Anderson, from the 49th Foot ; Quartermaster C. Knight, from the British German Legion; Quartermaster J. Simpson, from the British Swiss Legion ; Quartermaster-Serg. W. Drage, from the Grenadier Guards ; Sergt. G. Pittendrigh, from the 63d Foot.

Erratum in the Gazette of the 22d July 1858.-For Capt. J. Atkinson, from the 89th Foot, to be Assistant-Adjt. read Capt. J. Atkinson, of the 89th Foot, to be As- sist-Adjutant.

Unattached-Brevet-Cot. R. Walpole, Major on half-pay of the Rifle Brigade, (late Deputy Quartermaster-Gen. Ionian Islands,) to be Lieut.-Col. without purch.

Hospital Staf-Surg. F. R. Waring, from the 45th Foot, to be Staff-Surg. of the Second Class, vice Best, who exchanges.

Brevet-Lieut.-Col. J. Watson, retired full-pay of the 14th Foot, to be Col, in the Army, the rank being honorary only ; Lieut.-Col. C. H. Spence, 60th Foot, hav- ing completed three years' actual service in the rank of Lient.-Col. on the 2d Oct. 1856, to be promoted to the rank of Col. in the Army, under the provisions of the Royal warrant of 6th Oct. 1854.

The undermentioned officers of the East India Company's service, retired upon full-pay, to have a step of honorary rank, as follows-Col. G. B. Tremenheere, Bengal Engineers, to be Major-Gen. To be Lieutenant-Colonels-Major J. H. Mayow, Bengal Infantry ; Major C. R. Hobart, Madras Infants'; Major 3. 6. Freshfield, Madras Light Cavalry.