A telegraphic despatch, dated " Hamburg, Saturday," states that "the Ministerial
crisis in Denmark is at an end. All remain except M. Bang. M. Andrae is appointed Premier; M. Unsgaard, Minister of the Interior of the whole Monarchy; M. Krieger, hitherto in the Ministry of Schles- wig, is now Minister of the Interior to Denmark Proper.
The Austrian Gazette undertakes to confirm a statement made by the Oat Deutsche Post, that the French Government has sent to that of Aus- tria a note demanding in peremptory terms the withdrawal of its troops from the Danubian Principalities. Baron Hubner returned to his post at Paris on Thursday.
A letter from Hamburg states that the Cabinet of Washington has an- nounced its determination to claim from Hanover a free passage of the Elbe for all merchandise or territorial produce of the "Cnited States.