On the subject of women's franchise,Mr.Fawcett seems to us to
have argued in the air. No one denies any of his positions. Of course, women who pay rates are as much interested in legisla- tion as men who pay rates. Of course, too, a vast number of women virtually pay rates whom the present absurd proposal to enfranchise only women householders, could not help in the least. Every one of any sense admits all that Mr. Fawcett con- tends for. But then, most of us think that the method by which women have already so often gained their political ends, is the best method by which they will ever gain them, and that to urge them to enter the field of political battle,—which must lead them into Parliament, and Ministries, and heaven knows what unsuitable positions,—is to urge them to look in a totally wrong direction for the sort of influence to which they are well entitled, and which they must ultimately gain.