THE political crisis in Portugal, which has lasted nearly a fortnight, and has threatened even the existence of the Monarchy, ended for the moment on Monday. General Clu7sostomo, who is eighty years old, then presented a com- plete Cabinet to the King, formed from all the Monarchical parties, and on Wednesday announced his programme to the Cortes-. He proposes to " solve " the financial question by economy, and to arrive at some arrangement with Great Britain, though the latter would be difficult, as British steam- boats were already ascending the Zambesi. He would not sign the Convention, but would willingly accept any modifi- cation of it which would save the dignity and interests of the natioix. The chiefs of the non-Republican parties then made declarations promising to display "benevolence" towards the new Ministry, and the Cortes were prorogued for a very long recess. The idea of the Ministry is believed to be to gain time, and endeavour to obtain assistance either from France or Germany, and that failing, to arrange a modus vivendi which will be in effect the Convention over again. The diffi- culty, as we have pointed out elsewhere, is that the Colonial Portuguese are furious, and may take steps which our South African Colonists are in no temper to endure. It is under- stood that Lisbon will obtain no concessions, Lord Salisbury seeing no way to negotiate with the populace of a great town.