The New Anadyornene
THE menace in the coming clouds Thwarting of sun, the livid anger Appearing illurninant,.the falling danger, The iron boulder, the flying hurricane Following deftly, these, the forecasts of time, Describe the terror of the future's climate.
Against the fury of the tidal future What man can stand, fixed in the manacles Of flesh and soul, pinioned between gold banks ? The perfect passing of bird flights overhead Condemns him. in dead posture, holds No hope of flight transcendent of his dread.
The' times' orations whose severe words The brief winds are, the indications of The moving 'trees uneasy with their love, Presentiments of error dislodging stones On tilted walls, great cliffs, or crumbling. worlds,. Speak of tomorrow in dark undertones.
But whO can hear in the underground heart Triumphant hymnals, or murmurings in mines Of a tomorrow redeeming the today? When does the 'sodden Durham despair part Shower in snowy fragments, fall, away In giant seas for the new Anadyomenc ?
• Hunter. GEoncE BARKER.