" THE SPECTATOR " IN RHODESIA [To' the Editor of
THE SPECTATOR .1 SIR,—The following incident which took place early this week seems good enough to place on record. Our native hospital nurse, an intelligent woman who can read and write her own language but knows nothing of English, came to my wife for some waste paper for use in the hospital. MY wife handed her a bundle of half a dozen London dailies and also two back numbers of The Spectator. The woman took the bundle, looked it through, carefully sorted out The Spectators and handed them back, saying " I don't think I had better take these—the doctor is very fond bf them. He reads the others too but he's specially fond of these." So you see that the fame of your excellent weekly, has spread even to the wild tribes of Northern Rhodesia,! May it flourish still more and more !—Yours very truly,
H. JULYON HOYTE, M.D., B.S. Kalene Hill Mission Hospital, Mwinilunga 'District, N. Rhodesia.