Oil from Coal The opening of the big hydrogenation plant
for the production of petrol from coal at Billingham on Tuesday marks the success of years of intensive research and costly experiment undertaken by Imperial Chemical Industries: At last the time has come when coal can be used for the manufacture on a large scale of its most deadly rival- petrol—on a commercial basis. Hydrogenation is not the only practicable method. But it has won the first big victory. The success must be attributed to the foresight which made possible subsidised research begun by the Fuel Research Station twelve years ago, to the faith and the resources of Imperial Chemical Industries, who have spent £4,000,000 on the project, and to the ability of Dr. Bergius and the chemists who have co-operated with him. The new plant at Billingham will not only employ many men directly in that north-eastern region where work is most needed but will also draw coal from the neighbouring mines. This is on the basis of a production equal to no more than 4 per cent. of the petrol consumed in this country. There is obviously, therefore, scope for much expansion. When it takes area with coal place, iatrsehoumldbec,asa Dillingham is, in or near a close at hand. * *