A Christmas Bird The bird of the year, as selected
by the Norfolk Naturalists' Trust, is to be the stonechat, than which no other small bird is more salient. In parts of Wales he is generally known as the " fuzz-chat " from his fondness for sharp sprays of the furze bush as a perch. He has a migratory habit of his own, drifting inland from his nesting haunts as the summer ages ; but of late it seems to be missing on many inland commons in the South Midlands, where it used to be a frequent visitor in autumn. The Christmas card is a coloured reproduction of a very charm- ing water colour by Mr. J. C. Harrison. It can be procured from Miss C. Gay, Victoria Chambers, Bank Plain,' Nortivich. The price is 4s. 9d. a dozen, inclusive of envelopes and postage.