Last week Mr. Herbert Morrison outlined his general approach to
the new problems which beset him. It would appear that he intends to distribute duties among his Under- Secretaries; Mr. Peake will continue to deal with the problems of aliens, Mr. Mabane will pursue his interest in Civil Defence Services and Miss Wilkinson will devote her energies to the many questions associated with shelter provision. This is all to the good. But Mr. Morrison must himself attend to the larger strategy of London. There is need for one brain to see the Greater London problems as a whole. One hears that Sir Warren Fisher has brought 5,000 men from the A.M.P.S. to help clear up the debris in London ; one also hears that he expects to use the London, Middlesex and Essex County Councils as his agents in the work. To some of us it appears that there is need for 50,000 men, including Engineers, if speedy action is to take place in the 28 boroughs, quite apart from the areas outside London itself. Again there would be more confidence among Londoners if Parliament had more confidence in some of the Commissioners.