18 OCTOBER 1957, Page 29


ACROSS 1 A head-piece in church? (6) 4 Harry hesitates to display a rude arm (8).

9 Ma, I'm in, to say the least! (6) 10 Prediction that the Foreign Office shaped afresh (8).

12 'And not by eastern windows only, When - comes, comes in the light' (Clough) (8).

13 Let's have a turn (6).

15 'All the breath and the bloom of the -' (Browning) (4).

16 The schoolboy's definition of cabbage? (10) 19 Where one might take a refresher course (10).

20 Trenchant King of Mercia (4).

23 Miss Wood, perhaps (6). 25 Unplumed (anag.) (8).

27 Remembers about the footprints (8).

28 Has it rained 'ere, the Cockney might write (6).

29 Mac hides the gin in Holland (8): 30 Let in the smallest degree, we hear (6). DOWN 1 Timothy lazily appears (7).

2 For 'cash and carry' transactions, (5, 4).

3 Flaccid fish, that's clear (6).

5 1 am outsize, he announces (4).

6 Or at best, the worst kind of helpers (8).

7 Doctor gets a bit of company among the stars (5).

8 These chatterboxes need a good shaking (7).

11 No doubt these youngsters are found with dashing blades (7).

14 'Far are the shades of Arabia, Where the - ride at noon' (de la Mare) (7).

17 Vistas of fire (9).

18 Again, pet, to get the numbers right (8).

19 They seem almost the old birds for 11! (7)

21 Equip the musicians; are they the Jollies? (3, 4) 22 Charge solemnly (6).

24 Where's my key? Missing (5).

26 Rave about the girl, I declare (4). no doubt

Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened at noon on October 29 and addressed: Crossword No. 962, 99 Gower St., London, WC1

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.


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Solution on November 1 Solution to No. 960 on page 527

The winners of Crossword No. 960 arc: MR. C. W. ORIt. Cleveland. Pains- wick, Stroud, Glos., and MRS. MAttLiN, Woodlands, Barnton Avenue, Davidsons Mains, Midlothian.