SIR,—In his review of The Royal George (October I I) Angus Macintyre refers to the unearthing of the diary of Lady Geraldine Somerset. In point of fact the unearthing process was accomplished some years ago by Mr. Pope-Hennessy in his excellent biography of the Royal George's niece, Queen Mary, and readers of that work will undoubtedly endorse Mr. Macintyre's verdict on the diary.
Mr. St. Aubyn deals more sympathetically with the Duke of Cambridge as a private person than as a Commander-in-Chief. With this sympathy might he not go on to give us an edition of Lady Geraldine's diary? The Duke's private life bears more affinity with those of his uncles than that of his royal cousin, and Lady Geraldine, in extract, reads more like Creevey, Greville and Princess Lieven than her own contemporaries. E. D. MURIET 49 Oak field Road, Croydon, Surrey