18 OCTOBER 1997, Page 81



Andrew Robson

The standards for opening the bidding seem to fall by about half a point every decade. That makes South's 14 opener come from the end of the 21st century. The futuristic approach was outstandingly successful on this week's deal, but only because of a misdefence.

Dealer South Neither side vulnerable • K 3 • A J 8 6 5 • 7 5 4 2 4K 8

4 10 9 6

• K 3 • K Q 10 8 6 +A 104 401 7 Q 109 7 2 • A J 3 +65


4 A 8 5 4 2 • 4 • 9 • Q J 9 7 3 2 The Bidding South West North East 1+ 1+ lIP 2• 24 3* 5+ pass pass pass North showed excellent hand evaluation when he jumped to 54. His two black kings were pulling full weight facing part- ner's length, and his four small 'Os were certain to be facing extreme shortage given the opponents' bidding. West led •K and continued with a second *, trumped by declarer. At trick three declarer led a 4 to dummy's 4K, a 4 back to his *A and trumped a 4 with dummy's +8. The opponents' 4s had split 3-3, so his extra 4s were established. He Ied 4K, which West allowed to hold. He trumped a third • and led +Q. West won and played a fourth *. Declarer trumped, drew West's 410 with 4J and claimed the remainder.

Can you spot the defensive error? Having won •K, West can switch to +A and a second 4, removing dummy's trumps. Now declarer is unable to trump his third 4 in dummy and goes down. However, it is not clear for West to switch to trumps as his 4s are weak — from his perspective declarer is unlikely to need to trump 4s. It is East, with a 4 trick, who knows that a trump switch is necessary. East should overtake •K with *A to switch to a trump at trick two.