c/o Wrightson and Company Manfield Grange, Manfield, Nr Darlington, N. Yorks DL2 2RE Tel: (01325) 374134 Fax: (01325) 374135
Price No. Value
Honore de Berticat 1996,
Cotes de Duras 12 Bots £4752
Chardonnay Le Midi 1996,
Yin de Pays d'Oc 12 Bots £55.56 Red
Château Pechaurieux 1993,
Bergerac 12 Bats £.54.00
4 Château de Gourgazaud 1992,
Cuvee Mathilde, Minervois 12 Bots £.56.88
Château Pied d'Argent 1993,
Bordeaux 12 Bots £59.40
Le Clos du Caillou, Bouquet des Garrigues 1994, Cotes du Rhone 12 Bats £78.36 Mixed
Mixed case, two of each, but No. 6 (Caillou) will be
1995 (see text) 12 Bats 08.62
TOTAL (Cheque enclosed)
Please send wine to: NAME ADDRESS POSTCODE TELEPHONE ACCESS/VISA NO SIGNATURE Own name & address, if different: NAME ADDRESS POSTCODE TELEPHONE EXPIRY DATE Prices include VAT and delivery on the British mainland. Payment should be made either by cheque with the order, payable to Spectator Wine Club, or by MasterCard/Visa, details of which may be tele- phoned or faxed. This offer, which is subject to availability, closes on 28 November 1997.