Introduction to the Articles of the Church of England. By
G. F. Maclear, D.D., and Watkin W. Williams, M.A. (hracJnillan and Co. 103. 6d.)—Dr. Maclear published the introduction in 1895; a new edition was called for in the following year. In both, and particularly in the latter, he was assisted by the "friend and colleague" whose name is now associated with his on the title- page. Mr. Williams does not make it plain what he has added or changed, nor is it necessary to inquire. The work will doubtless retain its place in the Anglican library of reference, not the less surely, we may say, because it has been accommodated to the movement which has so changed the Anglican position even in the fourteen years which have passed since the appearance of the first edition. It will be interesting to give an example of the way in which the language of the Articles is handled. In Article XXVIII., "Of the Lord's Supper," we read: "The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was not by Christ's ordinance reserved, carried about, lifted up, or worshipped." Here we have : (1) as to reserved," each independent Church may adopt or allow the practice as it may be judged expedient" ; (2) as to worshipped, "worship due to our Lord present in the Sacrament under the form of Bread and Wine." 0 mirificas theologorum assaages